Chapter 13 - On the Run

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Crystal's POV

I grabbed what little was left while Erik and Blayne loaded up. I stepped aboard my sled and looked toward Erik. He mouthed “follow me. Don't get lost.” I nodded and we took off. Erik, it seemed, had an escape path through the ice caves. It wasn't long before we surfaced and took off across the ice sheets. I glanced back and saw the sleds bearing down on us. What I gasped to see was Norbert in the lead. I tore my gaze from Norbert and kept it on Erik. His wolves were stronger then my dogs but they were weighed down more so I could keep up with them easily. Nantucket was running like there was no tomorrow. She knew that something was wrong and they needed to run hard. I looked back and saw that the only sled even close to ours was Norbert's. He had his eyes locked on me and was intent on catching us. I called to Erik who slowed the wolves so we were running side-by-side.

“Erik,” I shouted, “he is keeping up. The rest have fallen back.” I saw something flash in Erik's eyes. He urged his wolves faster and I tried to keep up.

“We'll lose him up here. Keep close or you might get lost.” I looked up and realized that we were coming upon a glacier. I was scared. I held my dogs steady as we ran across it. I watched Erik swerve here and there as he avoided the gashes in the ice. He had slowed down we wouldn't get hurt. Norbert was still behind us. I was worried because he seemed to be catching up with us. I kept Erik in view as we crossed the glacier and were back on some level ground. Then I saw where Erik was taking us. A huge mountain rose before us. He was heading straight for a cave opening. We raced in and as we stopped the caved closed behind us. I gasped at the sudden lose of light. It was dark and I was afraid.

“Erik,” I called. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms around me.

“Its okay.” He whispered and a light appeared in the darkness. He walked over to a candle and lit it. It in turn lit another candle and so on. Soon the large was completely lit. It had everything that a normal room should have. A bed, a couch, a table with chairs and rugs on the floor. I saw a smaller room which led off of it and it was the kitchen. Another room seemed to be a spare bedroom and bathroom. I couldn't believe it. I walked around in shock as Erik unharnessed the dogs and wolves and put away the sleds. Blayne helped him light a fire and I sat in shock. Erik walked over to me and sat down.

“Are you alright?” He asked as he slipped an arm around my shoulders. I nodded. This was more that I had ever imagined.

“Why do you live in the ice cave when you could live here?” I asked quietly. Erik sighed.

“I did for several years. Then it got too lonely. Even with the wolves ghost of my past haunted me. I couldn't stand it so I moved. Besides it was a long way to get supplies and I needed to be closer so I wouldn't have to spend the night unprotected. But now it holds no fear for me. I have you and Blayne so the ghosts won't come back.” He squeezed my shoulders. I smiled.

“You know, any person who looked at us would think we were a family.” I saw tears hanging in Erik's eyes. Without warning I took of his mask and kissed them away. He was so lost in his pain that he didn't even notice me removing it. I kissed his lips and he came back from the world of his past. He looked down at the mask in my hands and he looked back at me. The scars were bad but they gave his face a certain unique shape. I liked it. I traced one of the longer scars and he kissed me soundly on the lips. I loved him more than I ever had and I wished with my whole being that he loved me. I didn't know though. I mean, it was possible that he just wanted that feeling of being wanted and that was why he kissed me so much. I was confused. He took his mask back and put it on. I sighed and said,

“I am tired. Where do I sleep?” He took my hand and without a word led me to the bed which was in the large room.

“Blayne and I will sleep in the spare room. Here you can stay warmer. There is no fireplace in that room. I am sure that Nantucket will keep you safe.” He kissed my forehead and left me to get ready for bed. It wasn't long before I had slipped into the bed. It was cold but that changed when Nantucket jumped in beside me. I settled in and even with all my confusion I was soon asleep. 

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