Chapter 19 - Lord of Wolves' Heir

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Crystal's POV:

I was throwing up my stomach and I felt horrible. Erik had been gone for several days and I had managed to hide it from him. I had to know before I even thought to tell Erik. I washed my mouth out and preformed the test. It was positive. We had been married for three years and I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen. Now I was caring my husband's child and I had to talk to someone. There was only one person I could do that with and it was Shantell. I grabbed the phone and called her up.

“Hello, there, best friend. What's up?” I sighed. Shantell had been in a great mood since she had met her latest boyfriend. And this one looked like he wanted to stay. He loved wolves and so he and Erik were fast friends. He had been in the army and had his own scars. He accepted Erik as his was. That meant a lot to Erik and he needed some friends.

“Well, I need to talk girl stuff.” Shantell laughed.

“Well come on over. I don't have anything to do.”

“Thanks a million.” I hung up the phone and climbed in my car. Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in Shantell's living room and she getting some tea. I was fretting and she could tell.

“Okay, tell me what's up. I know something is wrong.” She sat down in her big easy chair and I smiled.

“Well, I have been really sick lately and I was beginning to wonder if I might be, you know, pregnant. Well, when I was in town last week I bought a test. I was too scared to use it until now. And it is positive.” Shantell's eyes glowed.

“I am so excited for you! How far along are you?” She asked hurriedly and moved from the chair to the couch. “I will be an Aunt. This wonderful!” She stopped her rejoicing when she saw my face.

“What is wrong?”
“Erik and I haven't had that conversation yet. I don't know how he feel about children.”

“How does he treat Blayne?”
“He is very good. He is a real father to Blayne. I know that Blayne loves him. He even calls him 'Papa.' That isn't what I am worried about. He raised Blayne because Blayne had no place to go. What if he doesn't want children of his own?” Shantell rolled her eyes.

“Do you two know about the birds and the bees?” I shock her a what-do-you-think look. “That is what I thought. If he didn't want children he would've done something about it. But I am guessing he didn't. I think he will be happy. Just tell him. I know he would like a kid of his own. I know this is early but what about names? I mean you have to come up with names. I personally think that Shantell is a lovely name but it really is up to you.” I shot her a glare.

“I will ask him about kids before we chose names.” I said firmly. We finished our tea while talking about Shantell's boyfriend and various other unimportant things. Erik wouldn't be coming back from his trip for several more days. Those days were torture for me. I missed him horribly and I wasn't worried about the baby. I went to the doctor and he said that I was progressing fine and that I was about a month along. That would explain it since our anniversary had been a month earlier.

Now I was sitting in our living room and reading a book when I heard the wolves howling. Erik was home. He got a drivers license and used it when he was going to be gone on long trips but he always used the wolves for short trips like for into town. He wouldn't quite give up his old ways. I heard him park the car and then his quick step on the porch. I stood up and turned towards the door. A moment later he had me wrapped up his arms and kissing the life out of me. Oh, did I love it when he did that! It was one of the good things about being married to him. He didn't mind kissing passionately at any time of the day. He finally stopped and said,

“I missed you, my love.” I laughed and traced those scars on his cheek.

“I missed you too. And I have a surprise for you.” He raised his eyebrows.

“A surprise, now what might that be?” I grinned and started to walk toward the kitchen.

“I'm not telling you until after dinner.” I heard him growl but I knew he was following me. I had finished supper about ten minutes before so it was nice and hot. I dished us out some and sat down. When we were done I led him into the living room and sat him down on the couch. I stood before him and started to blush madly.

“Erik, we have been married for three years. What happens anytime after a couple has been married?” Erik gave me the weirdest look.

“What are you talking about?”

“I have been sick lately and I didn't know what was happening. I went the store and bought a pregnancy test.” I could see his eyes widening. I hurried on before he could say a word. “I tested positive. I am pregnant.” Erik didn't say a word for quite some time. I was getting more and more worried. Finally he stood and placed his hands on my shoulder.

“Crystal, I don't know what to say. I am in shock. I never thought I would have children. Even after we were married it never crossed my mind. But let me reassure you, I want children.” I smiled broadly and gave him a big hug. “Take it easy, our baby might get hurt!” I could sense his sudden feeling of protectiveness. I smiled into his chest. He pulled back and laid a hand over my stomach.

“Our baby. The Lord of Wolves' heir.”

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