𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍. the princess

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italics - elvish

"Lady Damenor." Beorn called, as the Company was saddling up. "A word if you wouldn't mind."

Alenia glanced back at Kili, before she walked over to the shapeshifter.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I just wanted to ask you if you knew much of the elves of Mirkwood. Especially considering your mother's parentage."

"I'm sorry? I'm afraid I don't understand." Alenia said. "My mother wasn't of Mirkwood. She lived with her family in a forest near the borders of Rohan, and then they died in a forest fire two centuries before she met my father."

"You didn't know." Beorn sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Your mother was of Mirkwood. Born and raised. Lanatha and I were friends, when I first came to live here."

"Then why would she lie?" Alenia said.

"Possibly so that you wouldn't think that her family was horrible. And very much alive." He said.

"Why were they horrible?" Alenia asked. "Why did she leave her home?"

"Because Lanatha met your father." Beorn explained. "And her father didn't agree, thought that it wasn't possible that she loved a human. That it wasn't natural. So he banished her."

"What?" Alenia cried. "He banished her just because she fell in love with a human?!"

"Yes, forced her out of Mirkwood. That's when Lanatha and your father, Brady, left for your house in the forest."

"Wait. Forced her out of Mirkwood?" Alenia asked. "Only one elf has the power to do that. Are you telling me the King Thranduil is my grandfather?"

Beorn nodded.

"Thank you for telling me." Alenia said, turning to head back, before pausing. "Does he know she died?"

"I don't know." Beorn admitted. "I didn't know until Gandalf told me when you arrived. I half thought my friend had come back for a visit. You look just like her."

"I miss her." She said, turning back to look at him, her eyes teary.

"I know." He responded. "As do I."


The rest of the Company had mounted their horses when Alenia and Beorn rejoined the group, and the half-elf clambered onto her horse, near Kili and Fili.

THE ADDITION, kili durin ✓Where stories live. Discover now