𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍. the cell

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italics - elvish

"In here." The blonde-haired elf said, pushing Alenia and Kili into a cell, and shutting the door, as the other dwarves were treated similarly. "I'll be back to collect you for your grandfather after he's through with your leader."

"He's not my grandfather." Alenia growled, as the blonde-haired elf left.

"Ugh." Alenia groaned, moving to sit against the wall.

"What?" Kili asked, sitting down next to her.

"Apparently, dear old Gramps wants to talk to me after he's done with Thorin." she mumbled, collapsing into Kili, who wrapped his arms around her.

"It'll be fine." Kili said. "You just have to sit through his whole 'I'm your family, betray those dwarves, especially the handsome dark-haired one' speech."

Alenia laughed softly, before she kissed his cheek and said, "I've already found my family." She paused for a moment, allowing the words to sink in, before she cringed. "God, that was cheesy."

"Eh, I didn't mind." Kili hummed, kissing her forehead. "But, I have begun to realize that I don't know a lot about you. Your past, I mean."

"It's a long story," Alenia said, trailing off.

"We've got time."

"Fine. I was born around two hundred years ago, to a man named Brady Damenor, and a she-elf named Lanatha in the woods in between the Misty Mountains and Rohan. My older sister, Hanna, was born seven years before me." She said. "Is that a good starting point?"

"Perfect." he said. "Keep going."

"M'kay. Well, about seventeen years later, Azog showed up. There was no warning, he just appeared, and before I knew it, my whole world was on fire." Alenia said, sighing. "Our family tried to escape out a secret passage in the basement, but the orcs killed my father before he could get out, and my mother was killed in the woods by Azog, as we were escaping."

She sniffed, as her eyes became teary for a moment. "It's weird. Sometimes their deaths hit me hard, and other times it feels like they're still here, right beside me."

"I'm sure they are. Somewhere they're looking down on you, following you, rooting for you. Your sister too." Kili said, pulling her tighter against his chest, as she started to cry.

"I miss them." she whispered into his chest, and Kili frowned at her trembling form.

"It's okay," he said. "You can't be all red-eyed to meet the King. You've got to look strong."

Alenia nodded, flipping over so she was now practically sitting in his lap, nestled into him, despite their height difference.

"Where did you and your sister go?" Kili asked, grabbing the half elf's hand and rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

"When we were growing up, we would visit Rivendell often, so we headed there. Elrond was practically family to my sister and I. But we had to go through the Misty Mountains."

"Where you fell into Goblin-Town," Kili realized. "And your sister-"

Alenia nodded, cutting him off. "After I killed the Goblin King's son, Arathorn's father, Arador, saved me. He took me in, made me a Ranger, and that's where I became the amazing badass you see today."

"And I'll always be thankful for that." Kili grinned.

"So let's see. Seventeen years with my parents, let's say two years travelling and being trapped in Goblin Town. Probably around fifty with Arador as a Ranger. What did I do after that? Oh. Then for about twenty years, I travelled with Gandalf. We went all over, met people from all the lands, before I headed back to Rivendell, where I spent another twenty years as a lone Ranger, protecting people and whatnot."

"Wait, so how old are you?" Kili asked.

"Two hundred and one." Alenia answered. "You?"

"Seventy seven." Kili said. "That feels weird."

"It shouldn't." Alenia said. "Our races just age differently."

"True." Kili agreed.

"Anyway, in the thirty years I was away, Arador had settled down and had had his son Arathorn." Alenia said. "Stayed in Rivendell, watched Arathorn grew up, before I started training him, for twenty years."

"Couldn't have had a better teacher." Kili hummed, twisting a strand of her hair around his finger.

"Thanks, love." she grinned. "When he was ready, we set out together into the wild for about ten years, before we returned to Rivendell, where he met his wife, and I learned from Elrond."

"When was Estel born?" Kili asked.

"About fifteen years after." Alenia replied. "And about a year later, Arathorn and his wife died in an orc raid. I didn't get there in time to save them, but I saved Estel, who I was already the godmother of, so I took him in. Fulfilled a promise I made to Arathorn long ago."

"Which was?" Kili asked.

"That I would protect any children he would have," Alenia said. "And I think I've done that."

"I would say so." Kili agreed, burying his face in her hair.

"You know, I quite literally gave you my life story," Alenia remarked. "What's yours?"

"Well-" Kili started, before he was interrupted by the opening of the cell door, causing them both to look up. "I'll have to tell you later."

Alenia stood, allowing Kili to get up as well, and he grabbed her hand, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Stay strong." He said, letting go of her hand. "I love you."

Alenia paused, and looked back at him, and smiled softly, before she murmured, "I love you too." The half elf then exited the cell, where she stood glaring at the blonde elf.

"He's ready for you." he said, before turning to walk up the stairs.



lot's of backstory here. not a big fan of how everything came out but that's okay. also, i figure i would say that when i picture alenia and kili, i think of alenia as 5'10", and kili as 5'5". may not be super accurate but that's okay.

- ash xx

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