𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘. the orcs

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It had been about thirty minutes since Bard had run out of the house with the black arrow, and the kids were starting to get worried.

"Da? Is that you, Da?" Sigrid called from her spot just outside the door.

Through her haze of pain, Alenia's ears picked up the soft thumps on the rooftop, and she could hear the deep growling of the monsters on the roof. Orcs.

"Get her inside." The half-elf yelled, lurching upwards.

"Sigrid!" Tilda yelled, causing the oldest girl to step back to the door, just as an orc dropped to the ground behind her.

Sigrid screamed, as she backed into the house, and tried to slam the door shut.

The orc shoved it's sword into the crack, wedging it open before it could close fully, before it leaped into the room. Another orc appeared from the downstairs door, and Oin threw a stack of plates at it, before it fell backwards and impaled itself on another orc's sword.

The ceiling broke apart as yet another orc dropped into the house, which Fili tackled to the floor, trying to wrestle it's sword away. The original orc that had shoved the door open advanced on Sigrid, who ducked it's blow and threw herself under the table, using the bench as a shield against the beast.

More orcs came in through the door, which the dwarves took on, trying to knock the weapons out of their hands, before they could be used against them. Another beast dropped through the hole in the ceiling, and Tilda bravely threw a plate at it, before her older sister dragged her under the table with her.

Another one of the beasts charged at Bain, who dodged the blow, before he pushed a bench into the orc, knocking it over. The boy then grabbed the end of the bench and threw it up, hitting the Orc in the head.

More orcs jumped through the roof, and Tilda and Sigrid screamed as one flipped over the table they were hiding under.

Another orc leaped into the door frame, and moved to enter the house, before Tauriel appeared behind it and stabbed it. The she-elf pulled out her other knife and unleashed herself on the other orcs in the house.

Legolas leaped through one of the holes in the roof, and as he landed, sliced the heads off of the two orcs standing next to him.

One of the orcs ran at Alenia, and grabbed her injured leg to try and drag her off the table, causing her to scream in pain. Legolas wheeled around and threw a knife at the beast, killing it before it could pull her off. Then another of the beasts rushed at him, and the elf returned to slicing and dicing.

One of the remaining orcs rushed Bain, and Alenia dragged herself into a sitting position, and tackled the orc, causing it to stab itself on it's own sword, before she collapsed onto the floor.

"Get your ass back on that table." Kili yelled, dragging an exasperated huff from the half-elf.

Bain stooped to help Alenia back onto the table, where she lay there panting, before he turned to the two elves and said, "You killed them all."

"There are others." Tauriel said, heading for the door.

Kili moved to Alenia's side, where the Ranger's breathing was starting to slow, and her eyes shutting.

"We're losing her." Kili yelled, laying two fingers on the side of her neck to feel for a pulse.

Legolas turned to Tauriel, his eyes wide.

"Stay." Tauriel reassured. "I can take care of the orcs."

He nodded, and she then leaped off of the balcony to hunt the remaining monsters.

"Where is Bofur?" Fili asked. "He should be back by now."

Footsteps sounded from outside, and Bofur rushed in the door, clutching a bunch of green leaves and stems.

"Athelas." Legolas breathed, snatching it away from the hatted dwarf.

"What are you doing?" Bofur asked.

"I'm going to save her."



hope everyone's holdiays are going well <33

- ash xx

THE ADDITION, kili durin ✓Where stories live. Discover now