Naruto Uzumaki!!

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The trees could be seen swaying gently in the wind. Its beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves could be seen over the village, giving away the fact that it was mid autumn. The sun shined high in the sky, showing high noon to all who could read it. The sun was hot and bright, but the heat couldn't be felt through the gentle cool wind.

Down below all the multi colored trees, there was a large village, people could be seen shopping, mingling, kids laughing and playing, stores open and full of customers. The village was in order and in peace.

The ground vibrated and in the distance a large dust cloud could be seen. People began to look in the direction it came from, wanting to know what caused the cloud. People grew quite and waited. The attack of the kyuubi was still fresh in most minds. Its only be 12 years, enough to repopulate and rebuild, but not enough to heal fragile trust and broken minds.

But it was a false alarm when they seen a small figure running out of the dust. The surprised and frighten faces, quickly became ones of disgust and hatred. Out of the dust ran a small girl, she looked to be no older than 8, but those that knew of her, knew she was actually 12.

She had long blond hair, tied back into a messy bun, three whisker marks on each cheek, and closed fox like eyes. She had tan skin and a black shirt with orange pants on. Around her waist was tied a orange worn out jumpsuit top, and upon her blonde head was a pare of green goggles. In her right hand she held some kind of busted tool and was running at full speed.

Behind her where two chunins, they were chasing her and yelling her name.  "NARUTO!! NARUTO!! NARUTO!!!!" They yelled at the girl, she was laughing and giggling as she ran.

Coming out of one of the shops, was the head of one of the many clans in the village.

He had black hair pulled up into a high pony tail. He had a few scars on his aged but still handsome face. He had on green traditional robes,it was a simple green robe. In his hands he held a box of supplies, and next to him was a small child with the same hair style as his father. He wore a light gray shirt and wore simple blue pants. He also carried a box, but smaller and lighter.

They were known as: Shikaku Nara, Head of the Nara Clan and his son Shikamaru Nara the Heir of the Nara Clan.

They were exiting the food shop, having bought more food, drinks and sweets for their home. As they exited the shop thats when all that chaos happened.

The dust clouded startled Shikamaru, but he knew it was no trouble, for his father didn't react ill to it, so neither did he. He stood next to his father silently as he seen the bane to Sasuke's existence, was Naruto.

She was a strange girl, that she was. Shikamaru had no problem with her, in fact he actually enjoyed her company when she hung with them. Him and Choji were good friends, practically brothers.

Naruto is still new to their group, she just started hanging with them around 4 months ago. He watched as she ran past him, with both Chunins after her. Shikamaru shook his head and muttered under his breath his Clans signature catchphrase. "Troublesome" he sighed, as he and his father continued on home.

Sasuke sat at his home, watching his brother train with their father, he was a little envious of the attention that his brother receives from his father. But if Sasuke were to be honest, just watching the gruesome training that his father put Itachi through, he would rather watch than join.

As he watched he felt the ground vibrate and then a giant dust cloud formed over head. Sasuke looked on in shock as the dust cloud came from the village shopping center. It was large and was constantly growing. He was about to get high and alert, but then he heard Itachi chuckle.

He snatched his head over to Itachi and seen that their sparing match came to an end. His father Fugaku Uchiha, Head of the Uchiha Clan and his older Brother Itachi Uchiha eldest Heir to the Uchiha Clan, showed no signs of being worried over the dust cloud, instead they didnt mind at all.

"Naruto is such a lively girl, isn't she Sasuke?" Itachi asked his baby brother. Sasuke blinked, and then slumped into his seat. He should have known. 

"You could say that." he answered bitterly. "Yes, that she is, if I were to have a daughter, I would have actually hoped that she would turn out much like Naruto." Fugaku said, as he looked at the dust cloud in the distance.

"hn" Sasuke grunted, looking away from his father and brother. "Yes, I would like that much indeed. She a such a sweet girl." Came a gentle voice from behind Sasuke. All the males looked over Sasuke and at the entrance of the door.

Their stood their beautiful wife and mother Mokoto. She was the most beautiful of all the Uchiha. She was Mokoto Uchiha Head Maiden of the Uchiha Clan. Mokoto looked over at the dust cloud fondly. This was the rason why Naruto was the bane of Sasuke existence. His family loved Naruto so much, and adored her.

Bad enough his brother was a living prodigy and now he had a girl that that wasn't even of Uchiha blood, a filthy orphan that knew nothing when it came to family, manners and anything else that dealt with social status.

Sasuke growled under his breath and looked at the dust cloud with a glare.

"LET ME GO!!! GET OFF OF ME!! YEAH I DID IT, AND I DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT EITHER. NOW LET GO OF ME DATTEBOY!!!" Yelled the small Naruto that was struggling and kicking in the ANBUs grip.

He was her favorite and was the most acquainted with. The Hokage sighed and held his palm out to the pair. "Dog, if you will?" The Hokage asked. Dog went ahead and gently placed her on the floor. Once her feet touched the floor she twirled around and glared harmlessly up at the ANBU.

"You better be lucky that I like you so much. I let you catch me, but next time I won't be so nice." Naruto said and she crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at the man. Dog scratched the back of his hair, his silver, gravity defying hair shifting in time with his hand.

He gave a light hearted chuckle and held his hand up. "Maa, maa. Calm down Naruto, I only did it to keep those chunins from catching you." Dog said. In all honesty, Dog didn't really care for some of the ninjas in the village, even though they have good hearts, they treated the girl he called his baby sister like trash, and would kill her without a second thought.

"Im not scared of them, there a bunch of nobodies. There nothing compared to the GREAT NARUTO UZAMAKI, FUTURE HOKAGE OF THE VILLAGE HIDDEN IN THE LEAVE ,KONAHANA!!!!!!!!" Nautos mighty and proud roar could be heard outside of the Hokage tower, where the trees of multi color were swaying gently and the people shopped.

The sun beamed over one of the grate Hidden Villages. Properly known as Konahangure.

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