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"Class,find a partner and study about the topics i'm going to give to each pair"

First person that came to my mind was..Ami..but when i went to her,she had a partner already..i felt depressed but i forced myself to smile  and accept it..i went back to my chair and opened my book.When suddenly..

"Do you have a partner?"

I looked up and saw Cze...Him again...

"I dont have...and im fine with being-"

"Let's be partners then!" he cut my dialogue and sat beside me

"Wait!!!I didnt say you could be my partner and-"

"is everything fine here?" my teacher asked....

~I started to mumble things in my mind..what the heck is in his mind??Doing all the decision making on his own without my approval?!AND i never knew he was in the same class with me....i dont even know a single thing about him yet...he looks friendly and he has the looks..who knows maybe he's one of those being fangirled and plays around every girl in the class...whatever his motives are,im gonna figure it all out...all i need is for him to keep distance from me....UGH, they say to find information faster,one has to be near to its subject but no thats not how i work *lifts my glasses* I work from a distance and eventually figure every secret someone has,their personality,attitudes,involved activities and---------

"Are you awake???" Cze interrupted my thoughts....

"Uh yea...." i looked down feeling emb"arassed..

"oh,..haha you were dazing off...teacher already gave us our's about Diagnosis and Treatment of chronic Arterial insufficiency of the lower extremeties"

~What the heck did he just say???

"While you were dazing off,i've read a few pages of our reference book and figured out that Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of chronic arterial occlusive disease of the lower extremities. The arterial narrowing or obstruction that occurs as a result of the atherosclerotic process reduces blood flow to the lower limb during exercise or at rest. A spectrum of symptoms results, the severity of which depends on the extent of the involvement and the available collateral circulation. Thus, symptoms may range from intermittent claudication to pain at rest. Intermittent claudication denotes pain that develops in the affected limb with exercise and is relieved with rest. This pain usually occurs distal to the arterial narrowing or obstruction. "

~Wait!!!I couldn't catch up!!!my ever so slow brain couldn't fathom any of what he just uttered...I dont have plans of studying medicine yet he talks like as if he memorozed the whole thing from wikipedia

"*clears my throat* ah!!I see.........." I replied sounding like someone who found conclusions over something that took decades to be understood...

"I'll make everything clear,don't worry"  He said this with a chuckle

~Ok...he told me to meet with him in the library tomorrow and he'll explain to me everything little by little...that seems legit for someone like me....wait....this is obviously underestimation..why havent i thought of this????? *^*;;; He's underestimating my analogy skills...he's just like the others who are sadistic! I will let him see what he wants to see...he'll see....

~In the library on the next day...

~ok..ive memorized what i have researched and he must be prepared to the information im gonna slap on his face

"Goodmorning Dolce!"  he greeted with his every sparkling white teeth....

"G-g-goodmorning *clears throat*" i sat down beside him and began to speak

"i've understood that atherosclerosis usually occurs distal to the arterial narrowing or obstruction. Since the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries are the vessels most commonly affected by the atherosclerotic process, the pain of intermittent claudication is most often localized to the calf."

He rubbed his chin and thought about it hardly...and i was thinking that maybe i uttered a mistake or something then he began to continue

"Ah i see..and it also seems that The distal aorta and its bifurcation into the two iliac arteries are the next most frequent sites of involvement. Narrowing of these arteries may produce pain in the buttocks or the thighs as well as the legs."

~i didn't get the terms he just said but saying the reason why arteries narrow up in this area made it clear to me on why it produced pain...well,obviously,it will but it was helpful to know the other common sites of involvement which makes it commonly happen in the lower extremities...ugh i dont know what im talking about anymore...all i do know is that..he's making me clear a few statements up at the same time,making me confused such an idiot.

~We continued to talk more about the topic and later on understood about it...

November 15,2012

Blog Title: Improvementtttt!!

Waaaahhhh i made an improvement in mah science class!!!~~~~I finally understood a part of my lesson and its all thanks to...a new,he's nawt a friend...well he is...but not close friend..or..whatever Dx he has helped me with my other subjects as well....i don't know whut came across his mind...i didnt ask for his help..i kept telling him i could do it but he just wouldnt leave me >:T Anwayyyy i dont really care anymore!!~~~i made an improvements with mah grades and im sure mama and papa would be happy to see my grades increasing!!!~~~

-Dolce <3-

~Cze helped me in my studies...and im glad that i have improved...I have been so much happy that i've shortly forgot about other people's gossips and fake news saying that im using Cze....So far,Ive figured out that Cze is the brightest student in class.He may not be te most handsome but he has a very pleasing personality...I thought he only acts kind towards me but..its how he treats everyone..i dont think he has bad intentions..But i still dont want to be close to him.....ever..

Vita CrudeleWhere stories live. Discover now