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HARA sighs and wipe the sweat off her forehead. She was finally done with the meal for today dinner. Cooking always was a piece of cake for Hara. Before anything she had a deep passion for cooking but all of the feelings were burried deep in ground along with her loved ones.

She felt thankful as Jin gracefully cut the onions in perfect symmetry. He then place them on the beautifully carve plate where other vegetables were sitting in designs. And hence salad was done made by legend Kim Seokjin himself.

Hara set the dinner up on four-sitted dinning table with the help of Jin. Her eyes wanders to wall clock as she read the time showing.

8:30 Pm.

"They must be coming any minute now." Hara remarks wipping her hands off her apron. She was nervous as heck.

Remembering the last dinner with neighbours which didn't go very smooth, hara bite her lips.

She hopes this time Jeongguk don't go overboard and curse infront of these new neighbours.

The thought sends chill down her spine. How the very kind neighbours of her left the house that night with unattended dinner. Or how they spreads words about Hara around the society.

Jeongguk, she realize that she haven't seen him for a while. She took off her apron and hangs it over kitchen wall.

"I'll check on Jeongguk now Jin. If the bell rings please open it for me." She patted the tall man's shoulder and walked to Jeongguk's room.

Jin smile at her back and nod his head. His heart filled with warmth seeing a relax expression resting on Hara face. He left the dinning room to sit in living room but not before sneaking a piece of chicken Hara just made.

What? food has always been Jin first priority and he cannot help himself. Hara cooking was way too tempting. He never met anyone with same level of taste as his. He was proud to be her friend.

Hara almost forget about Jeongguk during this cooking session. She just hope he didn't do anything stupid in her absence.

Jeongguk is a naughty child. Despite Hara doing her best to keep him at his good behavior, he still find place to do mischief.

Not that hara didn't like Jeongguk dancing to Big Bang or trying to sing their songs with wrong lyrics, Infact she loves when he do that. But there are times when he goes too overboard.

Like when he sneakily played with hara doctor set. Hara still remember how he had wore her white coat and sthethoscope. He was impersonating his mother being a doctor. Then he started to check the heartbeat of his ironman figure.

He end up crying that night because he couldn't hear any noise of life from his toy figure. Hara almost regret telling Jeongguk that when noise come from the ear-machine it means that person is alive and fine.

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