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THE flight from busan to Seoul didn't really took that much time. Jimin boarded from his plane at nine thirty and he breathed the clean fresh air of capital; Seoul at ten forty.

It was merely an hour flight.

However the first thing he did was, call a cab and show the driver the respective address. His face was well covered with black mask and a beanie on top to avoid any further chaos. He was sure no one would recognize him. There were a lot of other people who were dressed up like him. Jimin conclude that It was a normal fashion here.

The cab driver had only look at the post-on note for a second before roaring the engine. It was easy to say that the D community itself was a very popular one here.

Why wouldn't it be? When the king of rap, the game changer, the Agust D himself own this place.

Jimin, himself, learn the fact few days ago- when he easily got the house in just a snap of fingers.

Of course his dear buddy Min yoongi wouldn't throw a no at him.

Jimin is pretty lucky he guess.

When he arrived at the well maintained and developed society, he was in awe of everything.

Daechwita town Seoul developments bring back the spirit of the land of the greens with a modern touch.

It was perfect in his eyes. The dream place he always wanted to live in since his teen days. But now if he give it a second thought, he would be glad to live in any other place as long as it feels like home.

And his home will be always where his hara lives. He thought warmly.

Every house in D community had its own style and colour. There was a small garden stretched across the boundary of each house, which was well secure with white fences.

Jimin eyes linger on Hara's house in front of his new one for a long time.

Hara house was same style as Jimin's one, maybe because she didn't care enough to change the normal layout design of the one-story building.


Park house outer walls were beige in color while Jeon's were pastel green

Jimin smile a little and turn back to his house- clutching his hands on the handle of his two big suitcases.

That girl. Still obsessing over green. tch. I'm pretty sure she only become a doctor to wear those green surgeon clothes.
He thought and chuckles before dragging his luggage inside in the dark hour of night.


Waking up, the first thing that welcome the blue haired man was smell.

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