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KIM brothers left the office around 8 pm in the night. At first their original plan was to go home and sleep the night off , but suddenly Jin called Namjoon and offered him a stay at his house.

Taehyung dropped Namjoon at Jin's home and quickly drive off to his own society when he heard from Jin that Hara didn't came to work today.

Jin further informed him that he tried calling the woman phone multiple times but she wasn't picking up. Everytime he called, her phone would go in voice mail.

Taehyung don't know why he was so bubble up with the information. Hara could be just taking a holiday to focus on herself and son.

But what if something bad had happened to them?

These second options were the one who made him accelerate the car and hurriedly drive off to younger women.

The moment he reach there, the clock had already struck 9.

He quickly got off from his car and make his way to Jeon's front porch.

As he was looking up while running, he didn't saw the big supply bag in his way and almost trip on it- if it wasn't for his sharp reflex.

Taehyung look down the at bag and immediately his face fell. The streets lights were on and they illuminate the whole place very well which enable him to instantly recognize the banana printed blue bag.

That's Jungkook bag!

His eyes look around to find anything familiar but he stopped at puddle near street.

He slowly walk toward it and kneel down pushing his hand forward.

There lay the white bunny plushie he had gifted hara bathing in pool of mud. He grab it by his clean ear and lift it up in air.

"Seriously what the hell just happened here?"

He stand up to his feet and make his way toward the Jeon house door.

Banging on the wooden piece with his free hand he patiently wait for woman to show up. He bites his lips in anticipation and this time rings her bell.

One minute passed. Two minutes passed. And just like that ten minutes passed but there was still so sign of both mother and son.

Taehyung put the toy down on Hara door steps and run a hand through his hair frustratedly.

Just then a thought cross his mind and he snap his finger.

Hara always keep spare keys in jungkook supply bag. That's it.

He quickly turn around and jog his way back to big blue bag laying on floor.

With thumping heart, he open the zipper and search for the jingling metal in the crowd of Jeongguk's things.

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