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THE thing that made Jin happy most was cooking. Beside that he likes spending time with his favourite child and also his mother. But now it seems like there was another person added to the list and of course that person was Namjoon.

They've been dating for four months now.

Jin still remember the day they both proposed to each other.

April 21, 2020.

That date is printed on his mind like a damn logo. He would never forget that wonderful day. In his previous relationship, Jin really wasn't the one to initiate the first move. He mostly got boys who only dated him for his face which lead to toxic relationship and drama. Although Jin was quick enough to dump them but he still got his heart wounded pretty good times.

He don't know why he always end up dating dickheads.

He, in his mind, dramatically bowed down and gracefuly thanked god for sending Namjoon to him.

Namjoon is the best boyfriend someone can ever get. Jin's word.

During this whole time, Namjoon never once let his caring and sweet personality go. He is so respectful towards the other. Like he wouldn't even take a breath without making sure Jin is doing fine.

Days by days the ice around the Jin heart crack a little.

He thinks the time will be come soon when he'll say those magical three words to him.

Those three words almost slipped from his mouth past this week but Jin was good liar. So he cover it up quickly.

Right now the couple was cuddle up on hara cozy couch in living room. On the other couch sat the house owner and blue headed. Between them Jeongguk snuggling— being all comfy.

Ever since they both start seeing each other, Jin has been spending less time with the mom and son and more with his boyfriend. It's not like hara complains; reason because she found herself a good company in his man's brother.

Whenever Jin and Namjoon go out, Hara and Taehyung would hang out too. Jin was suspicious to see them getting that close. He tried to get answers from Hara but she shoo him off saying that Taehyung was only helping her with Jeongguk.

But Jin knew better.

Hara would never get cozy with a man. She simply wouldn't. The only man she's cozy with is Jin and he's freaking gay.

So he still kept that doubt in his mind and had his eyes glued on them everytime he sees them together. He just hope he catch a scandal (rubs hands with a evil smile). It'll be fun to see her going out with someone and to him Taehyung is a great option.

Afertall he's Namjoon brother.

Ugh Namjoon. Oof that fine man. Jin thought.

The mere thought make him lean down and press a soft peck on Namjoon's lips. The other in return giggle softly and Jin feel his heart bursting with warmness.

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