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Taehyung grab the remote from table and start scrolling through the channels. He finally stop at a Korean channel where an music award show called mama was broadcasting.

His ear perked at that and he attentively watch the people on screen announcing some award. Others watch in curiosity too. Hara snuggle her fingers through Jeongguk soft locks making him lay comfortably in her lap.

Instead of going out Taehyung decided to hang with the mother and child in her home.

At one point Hara even doubt that the grown man maybe liked her company too much— that's why he always make excuses to stay at her home. But then— she thought— maybe he likes her son's company and he's just lazy to go out so he spend his time here.

Who knows?

Hara shrug the thought away and look at fancy people on TV screen. A beautiful girl dressed in long red gown stood confidently on stage. Her hair tied up in a bun and face glowing with youth. She lean down toward mic and speaks.

"so the award for best song of the year goes to......"

The girl mc giggles and open the card where the name of winner was written. For creating much suspense she waits for few second before calling the name.

"Promise by Park Jimin!"

Loud cheers and clapping sound fills the room as the camera zoom onto the mention man. Disturb by the source of noise Jeongguk get up from Hara lap and look above at the big screen. His lips part as he stare at the pale skinned man smiling on screen.

Jimin's eyes were practiclly shinning as he wave at the camera before standing up. The silver tresses were ever so gracefully styled back blessing the people with his forehead.

He walk toward the stage and recieve the award bowing respectfully at the mc.

"Very glad to see you here Jimin-ssi and congrats on the award. Can you please tell your followers about the song. What makes your write it? Many people thinks that it's for a girl."

Jimin smile charmily at the camera and lean down to speak in the microphone.

"Yes you guys guessed it right. I just hope that she guesses it too and forgive my stupid past self."

He tries to cover up the longing in his voice with a fake laugh but it was obvious to everyone eyes.

"oo that's sad. Wish you best for that. Anyways thank you so much for coming tonight and congrats again."

Jimin bow gratefully to her before moving away from the frame. The Mc start announcing other performances fully forgetting the matter beforehand.

Taehyung sighs from beside Hara. "Ahh I should've known it. The lyrics are pretty obvious. Anyways I love that song. Park Jimin is my idol."

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