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JIN heave a deep breath and run a hand through his soft brown locks. He grab two glasses from his cabinet and move to fetch a drink.

Walking back into his two roomed apartment's living room, he came face to to face with his beloved boyfriend;  Namjoon.

"Here you go," The younger smiles softly grabbing the wine glass from his hand and bowing his head a little in gratitude.

Namjoon sighs. "I was definitely in need of a drink. Thank you."

Jin pass the smile back, popping the bottle open and pouring some into his glass.
He then filled his one too and lean back on couch relaxing. Namjoon take a sip and hum at the way the red liquid tasted against his tongue. His taste buds dancing in content.

He throw his head back as the drink burn its way down his throat but neverthelessly, he continued to sip.

Slurping his own wine, the older man starts. "Are you okay?"

He look at his boyfriend sitting beside him, head leaned back and mouth wide apart. A glass in one hand and purple tresses fisted softly in other.

He was plainly exhausted.

Don't know because of work or because of his family. But Jin tried his luck again and put a hand over the younger thick right thigh.

He— so badly— wanted to make a pun out of his meat but hold his tongue back.

This is not the right time. The tension here is thicker than his thigh. Keke. Jin mentally giggle and then choke on a molecule.

Namjoon lean ahead and look at him.
"Okay? I'm fucking frustrated."

He roars loudly sending a shiver down Jin spine at the depth of his pitch.

"Umm hot," Jin mumbles under his breath and then quickly clear his throat. He rub the clothed skin of other and blush.

"Why? Did something happened at work?"


"Umm parents?"

Namjoon shook his head again. "This time. It's with Taehyung."

At that Jin eyes lit up and he squeals. He put his glass down on coffee table and turn to face the younger like a excited child. "About that I have a news to crack. Do you know Jeongguk told me that Tae and hara kissed? Oh my! I was waiting for an eternity. I already planned their wedding theme--"

The younger chokes real this time.
"Okay Jin what the fuck?"


He pouts and then tugs at the hem of Namjoon green sweatshirt. The other stretch his lips in a line and shake his head.

"Babe that is what I am worrying about. When I first heard that they kissed I was like— maybe they like each other and will date, but no. Taehyung doesn't feel anything for Hara. He just kissed her in the heat of moment. And I'm sure she don't feel anything too cause Tae told me she kicked him out after the incident. Now I'm here worrying about what the heck will happen to them both. Let's just not talk about the effect it will have on Jeongguk. Ugh. Everything is so messed up."

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