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LOUD voices gossiping and playing around could be heard from the hallways of ever so busy college. The last bell of the day was rung few minutes ago and that was the reason of noises all around the place.

Sighing in tiredness, hara twist the knob of her locker door and take her things out. She then packs her bag and shut the locker close before turning around. But instead of meeting the air, she met a hard chest.

"Ouch. Back away brick." She roars stabbing her index finger into the familiar man's chest. The man just smirk before pushing her body onto the locker behind.
His small hands came to rest on steel beside her head and he look down at her with raise brows.

Hara make a disgusted face at that.
"Eww so cliché. I wanna throw up."  she then fake gag showing her disapproval of his actions.

The man roll his eyes and grab her chin making her look in his slightly hazel eyes.
"When will you stop ignoring me, hara?"

She smiles. "When will you stop acting like a bad boy, Jimin?"

Jimin lips slightly twitches to form a pout before he control himself. He instead display a smirk and licks his slowly.

"What do you mean? I am a bad boy."

Hara roll her eyes before slapping his hands away from her. She push his body too and finally got able to maintained a distance between both.

She look at him skeptically. "This is not you Jimin. I know. You may acts like a badboy but your eyes still sparks innocence. You cannot fool me."

The man stutter, defeatly. Even chasing her for months got him nothing. He just got a rejection. So now, he finally decided to just gave up and be himself.

He fidgets with his finger nervously dropping his shoulder like a child whose parents refused to buy him his favorite candy. His badboy aura disappearing in thin air in a snap of finger.

"B-but your best friend Jiya told me that you liked badboys so I was trying--"

"That bitch O mah gawd. I still don't know why wonwo likes her." She gasp dramatically throwing her hands in air like a typical Asian mother. Jimin just blink his eyes in confusion.

"Who is wonwo?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

There was silence for a moment betwen them both only. Hara staring at Jimin, and the man gulping while returning her gaze.

Hara pipes." He's my brother. Five year older. God he always wipes that fact on my face like a damn foundation."

She groans to herself kicking nothing but air in general. Face scowling at the mention of her annoying working brother.

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