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A soft smile makes its way up to the girl tired face when she saw a framed picture laying on their recently shifted house cabinet. She put the light brown carton down on floor and take a hold of the rectangle object. Her fingers carefully trace the people capture on photo which happen to be the girl herself and her lovely boyfriend.

Maybe to others it will seem that they are moving too fast as they have been only dating for three years and they have already moved in- but the both couple think otherwise.

They had decided that they are the perfect one for each other and they want to spend their whole life together.

She graze her tips on the ever so plump lips of her lover and blush.

Oblivious to her surroundings, she didn't notice another figure walking into the living room. Hand carrying a familiar box and he calls for other attention.

But the girl eyes were occupied with the frame in her hands which made her lost in her own world.

The black haired man sighs and put the box down on floor before walking toward the smaller girl.

He stop a few steps away from her back and tiptoe to peek over the shoulder of the brunette.

He smiles when he saw the thing that was the center of attention.

Secretly he wrap his arms around the curvy waist of his girlfriend and put his chin over her shoulder.

The girl flinches before gasping. "You scared me!"

She slap his arms with free hand and put a hand over her chest where her heart was located.

The mention boy smirks a little and tighten his grip while making himself cozy with the soft skin of her neck.

A low hum escape the girl lips because of the sensitivity. "J-Jimin.."

Jimin breath on her neck purposefully. "H-hara..."
He mock imitating the tone of younger voice.

Hara felt her inside churn at the satoori whisper of his and her knees tremble. She balance her back straight and whisper back in a stern voice.
"Shut it Jimin."

He ignore her warning and stare at the frame in her hand. "What are you looking at?"

He ask the stupidily obvious question. The girl roll her eyes and tease.


"Why?" Playing along he ghostly trace her collarbone up to her ear with his nose and earn a another low pitch hum from the Hara. She put the picture back on cabinet and grab the boy arms around her body. Her eyes closing while she tries savour this warmth of his.

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