8 Unwanted Visit

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I got home and plopped on the couch. I couldn't find B so I went to check in her room. Just as I expected, a new row of numbers were scrawled across her wall. She does this whenever she gets extremely bored, to the point where no series can satisfy her need for entertainment. Beside it was B sleeping. I tried to carry her but she was too heavy. I was going to grab her pillow when I heard her wake up. Oh no. Please don't be mad.

"Oh. You're here already? I didn't hear you," she said, with groggy eyes.

"Yup. Got held up a little because the guys wanted to hang out for a while so I was a little late. Anyway, do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"No. I just want to sleep for now. I feel a little sick."

It must be a hell of a fever since this was the first time she declined an offer for a movie. She's usually the one to start marathons, no matter how busy we were. It could be finals week but we can still procrastinate our studying for a few seasons.

She never was the person to study much but she had decent grades. If I was supposed to study, she'll force me to watch with her and in exchange, she'd tutor me so when she said she'd rather sleep, I know how bad the situation is. After fixing her up, I decided to leave her so she can rest but I left the door open in case she needed anything so I could easily hear her.

I opened the television and decided to watch a few episodes alone. It feels kind of weird. It seems silent when I'm the only person who's watching. I got used to having someone to laugh with on funny moments or brainstorm on how the next episode will be. I got used to doing these things with her.

After a few episodes I realize that I can't concentrate much because I was glancing at my notes while watching. I wasn't getting anywhere with my notes or with the series so I decided to sleep early too. Maybe we'll talk tomorrow if something's bothering her. I changed, set my alarm, and lay on my bed. I closed my eyes and felt my consciousness drifting off.

I hear voices. I recognize those voices. One of them is Blanche's but the other was someone I think my brain knows but not me. I open my eyes partially and saw a very familiar room. It was a bit blurry but I can already see that it's B's room. No. I couldn't believe it at first but I saw the string of numbers, the blue cabinet, and her collection of books. Why am I even dreaming about this?

I focus more on the voices. Then it hit me, I heard that voice before in my dreams. How could I hear that voice again? I'm not even dead yet, or did I just die? Am I going to get the offer again? I sat up and saw Blanche there, talking with that figure. The figure was giving a somewhat background lecture of its past. Yes, I've heard it all before.

Why is Blanche even here? I tried searching my brain for recent events from the real world or what seemed real at the moment. All I remember is Blanche lying on her bed sickly. I don't seem to recall why. Did she have a deadly disease? Is that why she's here? Why am I with her then? I must have died with her again too.

I tried my luck by moving things. I can never do it but it doesn't hurt to try. I wonder if Blanche can see me. I tried calling her name but she remained ignorant of my calls. I moved on to her books. It amazes me how she can picture her room perfectly except for the small details like the book covers.

I noticed a book which seems to be her favorite since it has the only one with the title and cover. I tried picking it up but still fail. I've already tried to do this before but I still can't do it. Suddenly, I noticed the book move. I thought I was doing it until I saw Blanche take it. How is it that I, a person who has tried to master a skill get beaten by a newbie like Blanche.

I heard a door open and saw that Blanche had left the room, leaving me with only the unnamed figure.

"Have you died already?" the figure said, its back still towards me.

"No. I was about to ask you. I just fell asleep and yet here I am."

The person turned to face me. "You're not the first one. The person I was talking to just said the same thing, I don't know her name though. Do you know her?"

"Yes, she's a roommate and friend of mine."

The figure seemed to choose whether to believe me or not. Silence enveloped us while I think of other things to talk about with this person. We've already known each other for a long time but we're hardly friends.

"I see you've managed to come back. Do you regret your decision?"

"Actually, no. I want to know why she's here?"

"That still remains a mystery to me. All that matters is she has learned so much from the little time she spent here compared to your years of being here but maybe you're just a little late or a bit scattered than her."

The words stung. It hurt to know that someone, like me, who already has a vast knowledge of this world would be nothing compared to a beginner. I knew I was never strong enough to create things I can only visit this place whenever I want but when I do choose to stay, I the only thing I can do is watch. I have changed worlds many times but this was the only time I have visited the dream world before I died.

"I need to tell her. She needs to know the risks she takes whenever she visits you."

"I'll tell her when the time comes. For now, she must see what she is capable of before she makes the decision. This is a rare occurrence and may not happen again for a long time since yours still doesn't show any progress. She needs to know how special she is, to me and to you."

"Why do you assume that she's special to me? You didn't even know we knew each other," my voice came out more defensively than I hoped.

"I mean, in the dream world. The main reason you bridged the connection to travel here may be because in this world, you know her since this is my first time meeting you when you're not even dead yet and so is she. You shouldn't even be able to visit this place until you're dead or complete.

Unless, the last you has already died in another dimension, you're still scattered and won't still be able to do the things she can do. No need to sound defensive, unless there's something you're defensive about," the figure said, trying hardly not to laugh.

I was about to reply when the door flailed open revealing a beaming Blanche.

"Hey! Look at what I made," Blanche came back to the room excitedly talking to the figure, not even noticing me. How could she even notice me? I barely even exist here.

"Were you talking to someone?" She said while looking around the room.

"Nope. I was just admiring your work here for a second," the figure said.

"It's fascinating how you created this before we even started our conversation a while ago" it said while looking straight at me before finally closing the door with a loud BANG! With that sharp sound, I feel like I was instantly sucked up was brought back to reality again.

I woke up feeling really annoyed but I don't even know why. I racked my brain for clues but none came up. I look at the clock. Hmm. It looks like I had a full night's rest last night. Maybe that's what's bothering me. This is the first time this happened. Maybe I just need a cup of coffee. I glanced at my schedule and saw that I have morning classes in an hour. Can this day get more annoying?

I stood up and remembered that Blanche was sick yesterday. I knocked on her door. No reply. I opened it and saw that she was still asleep. I take her temperature and saw that her fever has lowered down dramatically. She was currently in 38 degrees Celsius. Not as high as yesterday but still high. I leave her meds by her bedside table for when she wakes up and made pancakes since it's one of the limited things I can cook and I don't think she can cook now. 

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