Same Rules, Different Ruling

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POV Dipper

I yawned softly as I heard my alarm ring viciously, "I guess I have to get ready."

I stumbled off my bed and walked towards my alarm. I turned it off and looked in the mirror to see my bed head.

I chuckled softly, "I wish my hair could be this fluffy when I want it to be."
"Dipper! Have you've seen my crown anywhere? I can't find it!" Mabel shouted as I hear things being thrown around.
"I'll help you in a second! Let me get ready," I replied.

I grabbed my clothes and took the quickest shower of my life. I wore my black jeans and my favorite baby blue sweatshirt with my baby blue vans. I like matching my shirt with my shoes. I almost forgot the necklace that Jamie gave me.

"MY CELLULAR DEVICE!" Mabel screams.
"MABEL STOP SCREAMING!" Grunkle Stan shouted.
"SORRY!" Mabel yelled.

I walked into Mabel's room and her neat room looked like a junkyard in a matter of minutes it took me to get ready. I crossed my arms and looked at Mabel as she's looking aggressively for her crown.

It's a tradition to wear your crown if your royal to your new school. It was to show off your status to everyone. Knights have their shield or sword, demons have their marks, and monsters their fangs or claws or whatever makes them a monster.

"Did you check your crown box?" I asked her.
Mabel sighed and nodded, "I did but it's not there."
I saw her crown in her closet inside a shoebox, "You have to stop leaving your crown inside the shoe box."
Mabel hugged me tight, "Thanks, bro!"
I chuckled, "No problem."

I grabbed my bag from my dresser. I looked at my crown... I'm not wearing it, I don't deserve it.

"Kids, get your pancakes before I eat them!" Stan shouted.
"Don't worry," Ford groans, "I'll make sure he won't eat them."
"Coming!" We both replied.

I raced downstairs and went to the table. I see Stan wearing "Kiss the Cook" apron because Mabel made it for him.

"Good morning," I smiled.
"Morning Kiddo," Stan placed a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table.
Mabel's bag landed on the floor as she jumped into the seat, "I'm here."
"Sometimes I wonder why you haven't broken anything yet," Ford sighed.
A bright smile painted Mabel's face, "I can't wait for our first day!"
"Your the Queen of emotions for a reason," Stan smiled.
"Dipper you forgot your crown," Mabel took it out of her bag.
"Didn't you throw your bag?" I asked.
"Yes, but it's still safe," Mabel muttered.

I looked at my crown and frowned a little. I don't even know what type of King I'm going to be. Mom has beauty, Dad has strength, Stan has Greed, Ford has Intelligence, and Mabel has Emotions.

I'm the only one without a purpose...

"I'm not going to wear it," I mumbled.
"Dipper, you'll find it soon! Dad told us that he didn't find his until his senior year," Mabel tried to cheer me up.
"You know Dad only said that to make me feel better," I muttered, "He found his in his freshmen year."
"Dippy, you'll find yours," Mabel smiled softly.
"Your mother didn't find hers until she was nineteen," Ford told me.
"I found mine young because I stole a lot, which you should never do," Stan told us.
"We know," We both repeated.
"We have to go, kids," Ford realized the time and so did I.

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