The Dangers of the Old ways

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Third Person

The school has been extremely boring since nothing interesting because nothing bad or juicy had happened. The students were on a bus for a history class for a trip. It was to a large lake in the middle of the woods and they were going to be separated into three different groups.

Of course no one knew that and they were going to give them the news when they got there. The groups were chosen by three teachers. They wanted to mix up the kids into making new friends.

Bill made the decisions to sit next to his little tree since he wanted to talk to him. It was odd for both friends of the party. They both disliked each other, but they had to expect the fact that they were friends. Mabel didn't care enough to ask why they hated each other.

Castro sat behind them, but as they got deeper into the woods he started to get a stranger feeling. That something bad was going to happen.

"Pay attention everyone! We're going to be there in a few seconds and I want to tell everyone that we'll be in three that we've assigned," Ms. Applebee said.

Everyone groaned but shortly laughed because they remembered that her last name is also a restaurant.

"Silence!" Mr. Serpent hissed, "The woods are nothing to mess with because of the creatures that live within it."
"Each group will take different paths and please stay together! Also, don't wonder full and if you see a creature leave it be," Mx. Liam smiled, "Now! We're here and groups will be in motion when everyone comes out."

The three teachers stepped off the bus and soon everyone else did. They started to put the kids in three groups. Dipper was with Castro, Will, Keyhole, and Pyronica.

Dipper didn't enjoy the feeling that he got being around Keyhole. It was like he hated him for no reason. He was also worried about being around Pyronica in case she finally puts the pieces together.

"Castro..." Dipper muttered, "I-I feel like something is going to happen."
"Don't worry," Castro got the feeling as well, "Nothing will happen when I'm around." 
"I feel like that I'm over reacting," Dipper sighed, "Am I?"
"It's okay to worry," Castro told Dipper, "We're in a place you can turn into anything. You still don't know how to handle it and it's okay to worry."
"I just don't know how to control it," Dipper started to get angry, "I wish, this had some sort of book to tell me how to control this. Every fucking time someone feels uncomfortable and I try to help I start to turn into them."
"Just remember what I to-"
"N-No!" Dipper didn't realized that he shouted.

Dipper looked around and blushed a bright red when he realized. Castro placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled softly.

"I wasn't going to say that."
"Sorry, I just thought about it and I thought you were going to say it." Dipper explained himself.

Dipper looked at the other groups and saws Callie, Oz, and Bill in the first group. Mabel, Kai, and Dot in the second one.

The walk started and everyone was already getting bored. The teachers talked about the history behind these woods.

"These woods were apart of a war between demons and monsters. They say you can hear the cries of the fallen warriors from the woods. They wander around these parts with the same mind set," Mx. Liam explained to Dipper's group.
"Why mind set?" Someone asked.
"That demons and monsters could never be allies, friends, or even lovers. It was a hard time but also the stereotypes were strongly enforced with monsters and demons," Mx. Liam said. 
"Does the Pond Of Wonders exist?" Will asked out of curiosity.
"It's a legend so I'm not really sure," Mx. Liam told him, "There are many stories about it but also what it can really do. My favorite legend that has to do with the pond will have to be.... The War of Two. Does anyone know the legend?"
"It was during the Demon and Monster war, millions dead." Dipper blurted out.
"Do you care to share the tale?" Mx. Liam asked.
"Legend has it that the King of Demons and the Queen of Monster's fell in love with each other. Basically the Queen got killed and when the King found out he was upset. King killed the people who did it and noticed that she was covering her son. He took her son in and raised him until he got murdered and ran away because he told him too. The king knew of his death because he went to the pond and so did the son after he ran into it by accident. He asked why this had to happen to him, why it was like this, but instead of answer the pond said," Dipper took a deep breathe and said, "The world is strange and mysterious, but one day this will be over. Where the war of the two will come to an end and you'll see a world where the King and Queen could have loved each other. You are a product of a different type of love. A different type of world."
"I recommend you all to read the legends around the pond. They're interesting and can teach you important lesson," Mx. Liam smiled.
"Woah! What's that?" Someone pointed out.

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