Fuck Danny Boy

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Pov Dipper

I've missed school for a week because of this fever. Mabel questioned where I got the bear and I told her that I've always had it and she's never noticed. She believed it.

I'm walking alone in the halls and I started to hear whispers. I didn't bother listening to them because they were probably stupid. I saw a lot of girls trying to talk to Castro and he looked like he was in trouble.

"Castro," I smiled.
"Dipper!" Castro said.
"Sorry girls, but my friend and I need to talk alone," I told them.
"Fine." A few said
"Whatever." Some rolled their eyes.
"Bye Dipper." The rest said goodbye.

Castro thanked me for helping him with his little situation. I walked Castro to his next class and told him that we could get lunch after. He told me he hadn't eaten in school because he felt uncomfortable and lonely. Poor soul.

I walked into my class and saw Danny in my seat. This isn't a good sign.

"Danny," I muttered.
"Your majesty is finally back," He snickered, "What took you so long?"
"Don't call me that," I told me.
"Why? It is true because you are royalty," Danny grinned.
I slammed my hand onto the desk and bend over to him, "You know why."
"Just remind me," Danny grinned.

I sat down in his seat because that was the only available place.

The whole time in class he kept annoying me and I wanted to scream. I felt like this class was longer than it actually was!

The bell rang and that's when everyone started to rush out. The teacher didn't even bother saying as well. I just want to leave and go with Castro so he can try more sweet things.

As everyone was leaving the room I was about to walk out until I felt Danny's hand on my shoulder.

"By the end of the day, everything will be out..." Danny smirked.

I froze and I saw him walk out the door. Something just snapped in me and I quickly followed Danny.

"Danny!" I shouted.
"What do you want-" I punched him across the face when he turned around.

My eyes widen as everyone started to stare at me. Danny looked at me and punched me across the face. I felt the blood run down my lip and I looked at him.

"It'll be sooner than you think if you continue," Danny smiled.

Something snapped in me again and I punched him again. I missed but I wasn't holding back anymore. Some people ran away while most of them took out their phones and recorded it.

"You little shit!" I shouted.
"Fuck..." I punched his jaw.
"I won't let you..." I smirked.

Danny swung at me and almost tripped over himself. Danny got me a few times.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" People chanted.
"Dipper!" It was Castro.
"I can handle this," I laughed.

I tackled him down and started to punch him. I stopped when I heard someone say stop. I grabbed Danny's collar and he looked at me.

"I can do worse than this... you don't know me, Danny. I'll do worse and I'll make sure you won't move or even do shit," I spat, "If I see anything I'll make sure that I'll break your arm."
I heard people whisper, "The king is coming."
"Pfff..." Danny weakly said, "Like you could..."
"If I see anything you're dead," I threatened.
"..." He only made a devilish smirk.
I grabbed his head and just slammed it onto the ground, "Understood!"
"Y-Yes..." He mumbled.

I let go of Danny and stood up. When he was trying to get up I kicked him in the stomach.

"Fuck you, Danny,"

Castro went up to me and looked at my face. People just stared.

"Let's go," I said, "I don't wanna be here anymore."
"As you wish," Castro mumbled.
"What the fuck happened here?" I saw Bill and he looked at me, "Pinetree..."

Castro made the cloud he always does and we just disappeared. We were now outside in front of the tree.

"What were you thinking!" Castro shouted, "...Dipper?"

I started to pace back and forth as I glared at everything.

"I hate Danny," I muttered, "He's such an asshole!"
"Let me fix you up," Castro told me.
"I just want to scream! I can't believe him," I told him.
"What happened? Did he hit you first because I will defend your honor," Castro told me.
"That little asshole has been blackmailing me! I-I didn't ask for that and I want no one to go through that. I just want to beat him until he can't move so he would never bother me again," I explained, "He's an asshole! I just don't get why he would go after me... I didn't care if he told everyone about me not knowing what type of king I was at the time. He doesn't know how hard I'm trying not to slap him."
"I-I just hate him so much. He was going to tell everyone something else and I couldn't let him do that," I said.
"He's just an asshole and I wish I could just- just," I felt Castro place his hand on my shoulder.
"My grace, settle down," Castro softly mumbled, "You're turning grey, your eyes purple and filled with tears."
"I-I just," I muttered.
"Let's clean you up," Castro said.

We sat down and I took out my own first aid kit. I've rarely used this kit on myself because I barely got into fights. Castro cleaned me up and put bandages on my face.

"Thank you," I muttered.
"You've claimed down," Castro said, "Do you want me to get your sister?"
"No! I-I don't want her to know," I told him, "I haven't told her."
"If he tries anything again I'll make sure he'll regret it," Castro told me.
"I-I just don't want her to know because than she'll take it in her own hands and make it worse. I moved here from a different school and I was their king... I don't want to say anything because I don't want to fight the king here," I explained, "He's really sweet and kind... I don't want to be on his bad side either. I adore him.... He threatened to tell everyone about my old life and than Bill will think that I was using him. I don't want him to think like that!"
"Dipper, you shouldn't be ashamed about what you did or hide it. I know that you don't like to be praised as much and you're a great person," Castro said, "It's okay. I don't want you to get hurt at all because I've made an oath to protect the king."
"I-I miss being a king..." I muttered, "It feels weird saying it to someone."
Castro hugged me and whispered, "You'll be a great king when you choose to come out. They'll love you."

I smiled softly and hugged him back. He let go of me and brought out a bag of candy.

"What are these?" He asked.
I burst out in laughter, "That's so random."
"I'm serious," Castro told me, "Someone gave me these and I don't know what they are."
"Caramels," I smiled, "The chocolates had this."

Castro can always make me feel better when I'm feeling upset. Castro started to lay on the grass and ate the candy. I turned on my phone and turned on my camera to see my face.

I can't believe that I did that to him and myself. I saw Bill and he looked disappointed at me before I left. I feel like he'll try to find me and ask me what happened...

"No one is going to believe him, but I just had too."

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