The Next what?

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Third person

The monster attack was a surprise and everyone was sent home early. The kids who were injured were sent to the nurses office because paramedics were they're.

Kids that were severally injured were sent to the hospital to be fixed. Dipper was sent to hospital because of what happened to him.

"Mr.Pines, I'll be right back," The nurse smiled softly, "The doctor will come very soon."
"Okay," Dipper smiled back.

She left and Dipper hugged his knees. The window was open and he felt the fresh air. He was confused about everything and what he was told. He didn't remember what had happen.

Dipper couldn't even see his friends that were waiting in the waiting room. Kai was being checked for a head injury, but he was fine. He was bored and a little worried about what was going to happen.

"Uh?" Dipper saw something fly into the room.

It was something he had seen before, but never this small. It was a fairy that was as big as a grape. Dippers eyes widen when the fairy landed on his knee.

"Hey," Dipper mumbled.

The small fairy waved and sat just like Dipper was. Dipper just stared at the creature while she made random things appear. He wasn't afraid, wasn't confused, he was just paying attention.

"That's really cool," Dipper mumbled.

What Dipper didn't know was that fairy's were extremely violent towards other creatures. If you weren't a fairy you would be extremely hurt.

His eyes were a light green mixed with a glowing yellow hue. His pupils were smaller and small white spots were all over his eyes. They were like stars in a green and yellow sky. His cheeks were a light shade of red as he smiled at the fairy.

The doctor opened the door and couldn't believe what he was seeing. I thought he was human, but the results don't lie. Maybe I should triple check, The doctor thought.

"Hello, doctor," Dipper said.
"Good afternoon Mr. Pines," The doctor replied.
"When can I leave?" Dipper asked politely.
"When your guardians come," He answered.
"Okay," Dipper muttered, "Is anything wrong with me?"

The doctor took out his flashlight and pointed it into Dipper's eyes. His eyes quickly went back to his brown eyes. He turned off the flashlight and looked at him.

"Tell me about your family ancestry?" He asked him.
"I have a twin sister, my mom and dad are both royals... so are my great uncles," Dipper shared.
"In any of your families," The doctor said, "Is there someone that isn't a human, but any chance?"
"We're all human," Dipper started to get confused.
"Are you sure?" The doctor wanted to make sure.

The doctor left the room and went into the waiting room to see if Stan or Ford was there. Dot, Callie, Mabel, Oz, and Kai were waiting. Dot had to put her three snakes in a hat because they were presumed dangerous.

"Is Dipper alright?" Mabel asked.
"When are the guardians of the young man coming?" He asked.
"They're parking right now," Mabel told him.

Stan and Ford came racing in and quickly asked what was wrong with Dipper.

"We're his great uncles," Ford quickly said.
"Mr. Pines, you made it," Dot smiled.
"Where's my nephew?" Stan asked.

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