The Ball

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Pov Dipper

The ball was tonight and I was getting ready for everything. I kept admiring the ring that Bill gave me. I was wearing my navy blue tux, black dress shoes, black dress shirt with a golden rose pattern.

I feel like I should tell someone about Bill knowing everything, but the only ones that know everything is Castro and somewhat Mabel. My friend group didn't even know that I was a king. Mabel didn't know about the blackmail, but I don't need to explain that part, right?

I heard a soft knock on the door and I heard Mabel's voice. I went to the door and I see Mabel with a camera. I chuckle softly and I looked at her.

"Mabel, what are you doing?" I smiled.
"I just wanted a photo of my little brother going to the royal ball," Mabel chuckled.
"Mabel, you're acting like I'm going to prom," I crossed my arms.
"Well, I take a photo every year you go and now it's complete," Mabel smiled,
"Now, I need Castro to come because I need a photo of both of you."
"Ah, I remember that you would do that," I smiled.
"Make a pose," Mabel chuckled.
"Fine," I smiled.

I softly and made a peace sign because I never did anything silly. Mabel told me to call her when Castro comes.

"Mabel, can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Sure, what's up?" Mabel said.
"I told Bill everything..." I mumbled.
"Really? How did that go?" Mabel asked me.
"It went really well! He didn't care and I was worried about nothing," I laughed at the end.
"Is that all that happened?" Mabel gave me this face, "You've been way happier than usual."
"Pfff," I looked at Mabel, "What do you mean? I'm always happy."
"Oh no! You've been a different type of happy," Mabel said.
"Explain your theory and then I'll see if it's right," I said.
"You like him and you told him," Mabel smiled.
"Yeah..." I blushed.

I heard someone knock on the door and I grabbed my mask and went downstairs. I opened the door and saw Castrol with a purple and gray tux and white mask in his hands.

"Hey Dipper, I got my uncle's car and I'm ready to go," Castro smiled.
"Is that a 50s car!" Mabel went outside and started to take photos with her phone.
"Yeah," Castro started to explain, "My uncle is a collector and he gave me the keys."
"I dream about owning a car like this," Mabel said, "There so cook and I just love them."
"My uncle has five of them and gave this one to me when I asked to borrow it," Castro told Mabel.
"So, he just gave it to you," Mabel asked.
"Yes," Castro smiled.
"It's cool," I said.
"Are you ready to go?" Castro asked me.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"WAIT! I need to take a picture," Mabel said.

Castro didn't fight it and took the picture. We went inside the car and it was in great condition. So beautiful on the inside and out.

"I have some good news," I muttered.
"What is it?" Castrol asked, "Also, do you know where we're going?"
"I do and I'll tell you where," I said, "I put the GPS on so we won't get lost."
"Thank you," Castro smiled.
"Anyway, Bill knows that I was king and that I'm the king of monsters," I told him.
"I'm a little surprised that you told him about the king of monsters, " Castro admitted, "You were so self-conscious when you learned about it."
"The reason why I told me was stupid at first to me," I explained, "It was a story about this magic pond."
"I know that story, it's the one with lovers and based off actually history," Castro said.
"Yes that one," I smiled.
"What about it?" Castro asked.
"We found it," I chuckled.

Castro stopped the car so fast that I coked on my seat belt. I looked at him and shouted what the hell. Castro looked at me before pulling over because we didn't want to crash.

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