What's Gonna Happen?

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"But she can't live with me!" My mother yelled across the table.

"Why not" My dad challenged confidently

The table we were sitting at was in a courthouse, and the reason we were here was divorce. Honestly I saw this coming...who didn't? The fighting, The 'business trips' which were always to the hotel down the street so they could have time apart, The 'dinners' When they really went to therapy. It was obvious this was going to happen, but it was only them who couldn't see it.

"Because I-I-I" This argument has been going for 2 hours and we all knew the real reason. It was more a thing of who would admit it first. "Because I-I I don't want her!" She yelled...WHOOP THERE IT IS.

"Well neither do I" He yelled back.

Yea this hurt. I mean my parents didn't want me, but I know this already, like I said we were all just waiting for confirmation. I stood up and walked out. I can't sit there and listen to them argue about why they didn't want me.

I went into the bathroom stall and took a moment to gather myself. I walked out of the stall and back to the room. I was texting my brother under the table.

-Drewski I know your busy but I need you....

---You know I'm never to busy for you what's up?

I took a video of what was happening and sent it...

---Are you Freaking kidding me??? Are you okay??

-I am for now...

---What's gonna happen??

-I wish I knew...

---Hey if you need ANYTHING I'm here

-I'll keep you posted

---Love you sis

-Love you too

I locked my phone and listened to what else they could say about me.

"She's too quiet!"

"She never goes out"

"She doesn't have friends"

"All she does is school" ...wait back up I thought that was a good thing

"She's too shy"

This is everyday happening here...except now there's witnesses. I zoned out. I didn't want to hear this. I was snapped back into reality when some one spoke to me "Arielle? Arielle?"

"Oh yeah sorry"

"You have 2 weeks to find somewhere else to go" The lady said strictly. What the hell? What did I do? It's not my fault my parents don't want me.

"Screw it I don't need 2 weeks I'll be out in an hour" I stood up and walked out. I stood on the corner of the street in LA. I caught a cab and went straight home. I grabbed a bag and threw everything in quickly. I didn't care. I don't want to be here so I'm not.

If you know me, You know that I would normally never do that. I'm that quiet girl in the back of the class. I sit in the corner and do what has to be done. I avoid talking to people because I'm shy. I go home go to my room do my homework, study and read. I used to dance until my fears took over and I quit. I loved dance. It was an escape for me. After Drew left to live with his friends, Everything got worse. People stopped talking to me because my brother was gone so there was no reason. They only wanted him, I was just the way they got there.

I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm not like the average girl here with blonde hair and blue eyes. Sure I was skinny but Not like them. I had shape which was good...or at least I thought. I only really fit in when my brother was there...I miss him.


I can't believe this is happening. Not the divorce, Nobody wants her. I know she's shy but she has her reasons. The reasons only I know. I was really close to her but I couldn't stand my parents. We couldn't see eye to eye on anything. We always fought and it got to be to much. I got into the wrong groups and started making some bad choices. But you know who was there for me the whole time? Arielle. I had to get out of the house as away from my parents if I wanted to change. I wanted to be a good person and I couldn't do that with them. I moved in with Wesley and Keaton about 3 years ago. I know it wasn't right to leave Ari but I had to. She had a way with these things. She always found a way to handle them weather it was hiding in books or burying herself in work, she was able to get through it. Me on the other hand, I started relying on all the wrong things and got in with the wrong people, so I left. Now it was her and I knew she couldn't do this forever.

Ari is strong minded and determined. If she wants something she will find a way to get there. She never snaps on anyone and she doesn't curse. If something was wrong, she pushed it to the back of her mind and focused on what was important or needed to be done. She doesn't break down like normal people would, she pushes through until she's alone. Even I have only seen her cry a few times in the 13 years we lived together. I respect her for that. She's so strong for everyone even when she should be in a corner crying.

A text snapped me out of my thoughts:
- Drew, Can you come get me I can't do this anymore...

I was quick to reply, because she's not one to ask for help. If she needs something she does it. She's very independent.
---Of course are you at home??

-Not for long. Meet me at out tree.

The one on the park by the lake. I knew exactly where she was headed.
---Hang in there I'll see you in 30.

Was all she answered.

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