Chapter One

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Music flowed into Elizabeth's ears as she pushed her other earbud in. It didn't drown out the faint static that was always at the back of her mind, nothing did. But it was pretty good at blocking the screams of the woman tied up on the floor in front of her.

She adjusted her grip on the crowbar, bringing it down on the woman's hip. Hard.            
The woman's writhing displaced some of the trash on the floor, but the spaces were quickly filled with blood, tissue, and bits of bone.

Elizabeth brought her crowbar down once more on the woman's head, causing blood to spray everywhere, speckling the dirty walls and the proxies surrounding her that had nothing better to do than watch.

   She saw the silent words of approval from the others as some began to disperse and others moved forward to get what they wanted from the woman's lifeless body.

She plucked her earbuds out and stuck them in her pocket, cleaning the crowbar off on the leg of  her black jeans. She looked over at the proxies that were cannabalising the woman's corpse. A disgusting act in her opinion.

' Why the fuck is this my life?'

Elizabeth questioned herself, beginning the series of thoughts and questions that had been plaguing her for months.

'Why did I ever want this? Why can't-'

a mocking voice cut into her thoughts,

"Can't handle the screams?"

A few other proxies looked over.

   Elizabeth scoffed and glared up at the source of her annoyance.

"Fuck off Ashley."

She growled, adjusting the sleeve of her black turtle neck. It was the girls turn to glare.

"My name is Shard, bitch." 

Elizabeth said, feigning surprise.

"What a strange name! I'm sorry, 'Shard bitch', I'll remember it next time, I promise!"

Elizabeth dropped her fake smile and turned, walking toward the door.

  "He's not going to keep you if you're soft dumbass."

Shard called venomously. A couple others mumbled in agreement.

Elizabeth only glared back, giving Shard the bird before slamming the door and stomping off. The static still buzzing in the back of her mind.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Maybe I am going soft."

I muttered to myself, wacking a tree branch out of the way with my crowbar.

I remember when I liked the screams, when I basked in death like the others. But as the memories of what made me what I am slowly return, I continue to lose the feeling of nothingness. The blank, emotionless canvas I once painted with blood, telling myself it was happiness.

I'm not insane, I never was. I was stupid. Believing and hoping that this would be my fate. Allowing them, him, to take me and cut me into the image of a perfect pawn. A disposable soldier.

  What were these feelings? Guilt? Regret? Disgusting.

I growled.

I decided to go ham on that tree I wacked earlier. It deserved it for being in my way with it's smug ass branches.

Time skip brought to you by tree's funeral

After I made that tree regret growing, I turned back to the path. Flipping my straight red hair over my shoulder.

  I was walking along, the warm feeling that meant I was about to be called starting in my gut as I looked at the tall trees surrounding me. The woman and tree weren't enough, he wanted screams. The static intensified.

He's here.


I hope that was okay, have a good day/night!

Dont forget to vote + comment <3


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