Chapter two

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Elizabeth's P.o.v

I found myself in the middle of a forest in front of a little blue house with a small blue porch and white trim.
The windows were dark. I checked the phone I had stolen a couple days ago. 1:37 a.m. . Perfect.
I could feel Him watching me as I neared the house.
'Always watches, no eyes'. I thought, letting out a small snort at the vague memory of my friends and I messing around, joking about the
phrase. My memories quickly turned violent. Blood, screams, the look of fear on my friend's faces.
The static grew louder, breaking me from the hell of my own mind. The only time I ever have or will be grateful for it.

I found myself standing in front of a white door with one of those stupid little blurry windows. I reached out a gloved hand and grabbed the doorknob. Turning it as people tend to do. It was unlocked.

'These idiots want to die'.

A voice cackled in the back of my mind. I rolled my eyes, pushing the door open further.
Looking directly in, there was what appeared to be a living room. The television was on and I could hear quiet snoring.

Stepping further in I saw a middle aged man sprawled out on a couch asleep. I walked toward him and crawled onto his stomach.

His eyes slowly blinked open, widening immediately when they saw me. I smiled, putting my finger to my lips in a hushing motion.
I put a hand over his mouth and positioned my knee into the inside of his elbow, keeping his arm still.
He was trying to talk through my hand and pry it off with his free hand.

His eyes widened to an almost comical size when I lifted my crowbar. He started moving frantically, trying to buck me off and scream.

This is the part where I'm supposed to smile. To laugh manically. But I can't, this is sick. I don't know this man, I don't know what he's done, I don't know if he has a family.

'do it, do it'

the voice started whispering within the static. It got louder and more insistent.


I watched myself as I quickly pulled my hand off the man's mouth, gripping my crowbar with both hands as if I was going to bash his skull in.
He instinctively brought his hands up to protect his head. Not that it mattered, the voice had other plans.

'Now' It commanded.

My hands changed position and I saw myself bring the sharp end of the crowbar down as the man screamed. He was quickly cut off by my crowbar impaling his throat.

His body jolted, I yanked my weapon out. He started making choking sounds as blood began coming out of his mouth and the newly acquired hole in his neck.

"Daddy?" A soft voice called. A little girl wearing horse pajamas stepped into the doorway, clutching a stuffed animal. She saw me and her toy dropped to the floor.

'Im so sorry.' I thought. My eyes felt like they were burning.

The little girl opened her mouth as if to scream, but a loud Bang from the door I entered stopped her. Her little face went slack and her body collapsed.

I looked at the doorway and saw someone I had never met before. He was a man, I assumed by his body shape. He had dark hair and a white mask with features that were hard to make out in the dismal light of the television.

I wanted to scream. To curse this dirty bastard for taking an innocent life. Then I felt the warm liquid soaking into my gloves and remembered that I'm the same as him.
I nodded in acknowledgement, holding back tears that I hoped weren't visible. All he did was stare back silently for a moment before turning and walking toward the forest. The message was loud and clear.

'He sent me and my duty is done, the rest is up to you'

I sighed. This had been a test. It was always a test. The static seemed to scrape against my brain. He had felt me slipping.

I looked at the man still under me, lifeless eyes staring up at me. I couldn't help but imagine them filling with hate, his mouth moving, whispering.

"Your fault, your fault, you could have stopped him, your fault."

"SHUT UP." I screamed, bringing my crowbar down on the man's face, spraying myself with blood. I caught my breath, getting my temper in check and looked down at the mess I had made.
'Clean up time' I thought morbidly.

I looked at the little girl's crumpled form and for the first time in a long time felt warm liquid that wasn't blood on my face. Tears.
"This is gonna be hell."


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Until next time! <3

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