Chapter Ten

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"Hey, Lizzie!"

Elizabeth turned toward the voice that seemed to tear her heart to pieces.
She smiled.


"You know how we've been talking about The Slenderman and stuff?"

Elizabeth looked at her friend warily.


"Well, I was thinking, since I saw this thing online, that we should try to become proxies!"

Elizabeth looked into her friends sparkling brown eyes and knew she couldn't say no.

"Of course ash-"

Elizabeth shot up as a violent static filled her mind.

She clutched her head, her eyes tearing up. She didn't remember it hurting so much.

It slowly faded, she could have sworn she heard a laugh accompanying the static, but it was probably just her imagination.

She shook herself off, stretching as she stood. She was sleeping under trees again, but she had remembered the blanket Rose had given her.

"The blanket!"

She turned around, quickly scooping it up and stuffing it in her backpack.
As she zipped it back up she could hear what sounded like small cracking and snapping sounds.

She would be lying if she said it didn't freak her out a bit.
  Elizabeth quickly pulled her bag on and headed back toward a trail she had seen the day before.  Quickly finding it she started heading down.

She had planned on walking today to give her muscles some sort of break, allbeit a small one, but she felt more paranoid today than she had before.

She picked up her pace, trying to block out the small, strange sounds that seemed to follow her.

"Maybe it's my backpack?"

She stopped, and for the barest second the sounds stopped too.



Elizabeth quickly swung her backpack on and bolted. She ran until she was out of the small forest, which didn't take long.

But she still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
  She quickly swung around toward the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, but it was just that, trees. Nothing else in sight.

She wanted to sigh in relief, but she knew now that she was being followed, she wasn't one to image something so serious.

She continued on her way, occasionally looking behind her. She didn't really hear the cracks anymore as she was closer to the road and the cars covered a lot of sounds, but she knew she hadn't shook the owner of the sounds.

Far from it.

I'm so sorry for my sporadic updates, I honestly didn't plan this story out. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

✨💞Vote- comment- and have a lovely day/night💞✨


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