Chapter Four

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Elizabeth's pov

So I walked. I walked until I was too tired to move my legs anymore. I decided to sleep, I could barely see in the growing darkness anyhow.

I stumbled until I found an area that was relatively soft. It was right underneath a tree with large branches that curved all the way to the ground.

I curled up, clutching my crowbar to my chest.
'Bullshit' a voice in my head growled. "What?" I said out loud, "what's bullshit?" 'This! Everything! It's all bullshit!'
'i don't like this' a soft voice whispered underneath the ranting of the other. 'this is too scary, please make it stop' "What?" Was all I could manage, a man of many words I was not.

A sudden vague memory of me curled up in the same position in a different dark place swam through my mind. Tears started trickling from my eyes without my consent.
"Why?" I whispered, wiping my tears away. The second time in less than a week.
'I don't understand, why am I crying?' 

'Because of them'

  'Its not because of them, its youThis is bullshit, go back NOW!'

'no'  The softer bevoice whispered.

  I clutched my head as the other voice started shouting at the soft voice.
"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" I finally screamed and they both went silent.

  I could swear I had seen a flash like someone taking a video or picture from outside my tent of branches but I quickly brushed it off. Imagining things wasn't anything unusual.

After a while of listening to nothing but the sounds of the night I was on the brink of sleep. Before I was enveloped I could have sworn I heard a voice whisper something along the lines of, "You can't escape."
"Watch me asshole." I whispered back to the most likely imaginary voice before letting sleep overcome me.

************  Nightmare time (yay?)

I found myself in a dark room, curled up in the same position I had fallen asleep in. The only difference was I didn't have my crowbar and I didn't seem to be controlling my actions.
A low growl drifted out from the shadows and I curled my body even tighter, willing myself to disappear.

I croaked out. My throat felt dry, like I hadn't drank anything in days.

  A loud bang and scream followed my plead, causing me to whimper, the whimper quickly turned into a cough, tearing up my dry throat with it's violence.
I lifted my hand into my line of sight, causing a sharp stabbing  pain in my stomach, telling me that I probably hadn't eaten in several days either.
The pain almost took away from the surprise of my hand. It had a light grayish tint.

'Another sign of dehydration if I remembered correctly from that survival class I had taken. Not that it was much help now.'

The sudden sound of nails on a chalk board yanked me from my thoughts. I cringed, trying to bring my hands up to cover my ears but it didn't help. It was like the sounds were coming from inside my head, I was never able to stop them or block them out. It carried on for what seemed like forever. When it finally stopped there was nothing but silence. Or maybe there was something?

'I think I hear
something dripping.'  

I wasn't sure but it was my only hope in all honesty.

It echoed all throughout the room I was in, so it was difficult to pinpoint the location.


Multiple screams, growls, and various other disturbing noises later I was sure I knew the direction the noise was coming from.

'Be strong' 

I forced my body to move in the direction of the noise.
If what was dripping wasn't water I was hoping it was at least liquid of some sort.

If it was poisonous?

Well, at least that would be better than a slow, painful death by starvation and dehydration.

I could swear the dripping was getting louder when a scream suddenly exploded in my ear.

I let out a sob and covered my head. 'no, you can't quit now' 

A soft voice whispered, filling me with strength.

I will survive.

It wasn't too late after that when I reached out to pull myself forward and felt something soft.

The dripping had stopped a little bit before, so I was glad I found whatever this is. I felt around the pile of whatever and I felt more soft parts. There was something that felt like hair, but I pushed that thought out of my mind.

I felt the ground around the soft pile. There was a liquid all over, it was slightly thick but I didn't care anymore.

I leaned down and started lapping it up like some sort of animal. I stopped. It tasted....coppery?


The thought registered in my mind but I ignored it. In most cases I would be disgusted, but this was an emergency.

I stopped and put my hand on the soft mass.



I shot up, gagging. The branches caught my now tangled hair.

'Did I really do that?'

Neither of the voices answered, which was a yes to me.

After a few minutes of getting myself together I grabbed my crowbar and crawled out from under the tree.

"Fuck!" I yelled, a bit louder than necessary.
The sun was hella bright and my eyes just weren't ready for that.
I didn't bother trying to get the stuff out of my hair as I pulled it into a pony tail rat nest thing, I was used to it.

I paused, letting my eyes adjust.

I slipped my crowbar into a belt loop in my jeans.
Events of the dream replayed in my mind but they were almost forgotten when a new emotion entered me.

I looked around, a smile almost spreading across my face.

This feeling was so strange, it was like someone was blowing a bubble in my gut that was spreading through my body.
Pleasant bubbles.

I know this feeling won't last long. Good ones never do.

I know they're coming and they won't let it last long. But as long as I'm on my way I might as well bask in it.


Hope you enjoyed! Happy almost Easter!
Vote&Comment- Have a good day!🖤

P.s - Sry if it was confusing

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