Chapter Eight

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I never realized how uncomfortable the ground really was.
All the time I had spent in the proxy holds I had never once noticed a difference from being inside or outside. Maybe I had just been numb.

It kinda angers me now. Thinking about the years of my life He had taken away. I hate Him.

Static erupted in my head.
"You belong to him."

The voice had returned...

"Of course I returned. I AM YOU. I will NEVER leave."

"you aren't her, you're a part of her."


"Elizabeth. I can help you, I'm just a much a part of-"


"i disagree."

'Hey, you, shut up'
Elizabeth thought, aiming the words at the loud, malicious voice.

There was a strange feeling of resistance in her mind. Like something was trying to say something.

"good job!!"

'What did I do?'

"Well, you made her stop, you're getting better."

'Oh, thanks I guess.'

There was a pause in conversation, and Elizabeth looked around from her position on the ground.
She hadn't been able to find a tree like the one she had slept under before, so she had walked all day until she found a play area like the one at Ellie's place, except without a fence. There had been a thick forest surrounding it, but the trees had branches high up and wouldn't provide much coverage. So she had walked through the forest until she found an old broken down building, and here she was.

"You need to sleep."
The voice said suddenly.

'But weren't you gonna tell me something??'

The voice seemed to hesitate.

"i think..i have to wait."

Elizabeth kept talking in her head, trying to get a response, but the voice stayed silent.

"alright,' she thought, drifting off, 'I'll wait."


I woke up to loud voices.

I scrambled up quietly, displacing rocks and causing my head to swing into a head ache.

I peaked around the corner and saw a yellowish human sized thing fall from a balcony and land with a sick thud.
There was a man that I caught a glimpse of standing on the balcony, then he ran.
  A few seconds later he was down at the same level as the person that had fallen, and was digging through their pockets.

He pulled out a little black box of some sort and soon after, an orange bottle that sounded like pills when he moved it.

My curiosity was brutally shoved aside by a sudden, violent upswing in pain to my head ache.

It was Him. I could tell. But, He wasn't after me, I could feel that much.

"That poor man."

I nodded in agreement, not that it mattered.

The man looked up, he quickly stood  and ran. I stood up all the way as soon as He left. There was nothing I could do to help.

I looked over at the person who had fallen and felt my gut jump in surprise. It was the man from the proxy hold. I only had enough time to process that before his body inexplicably disappeared.

It was time to start running, I didn't want to hang around long enough for Him to come back.


I ran as far as I could for as long as I could.
The sun was just past it's midpoint when I stopped.
I caught my breath. Swinging the back pack off, I sat down.

I opened it and dug through. I had forgotten about it yesterday and never had the chance to see what I got.

Quickly looking around before I started taking things out, I noticed that I was still in that forest.
"Why is this forest so fucking big?"

"im just as clueless as you are."

"Not helpful, but okay."

I started setting the stuff out. There was a small blanket, a couple bottles of water, some dried food looking stuff, and some pens and a notebook??

"Alright, this is good."

Remembering what Rose had said about the burn phone I dug through the pockets. I found it in the right pocket. Flipping it open, I looked at the small screen. The bottom part had numbers, I thought that maybe I could figure out how to use it, but I'll probably just ask nice voice later.

I tucked the phone away. I kept some of the food stuff and a bottle of water out.
  I managed to make my crowbar fit, which is a nice change, carrying it was slightly difficult when I was running.

I had some dry, brownish coloured food. I sniffed it, it smelt kind of like meat.
My stomach growled. Shrugging, I bit off a bit.
  It tasted surprisingly good. After a few pieces of that and almost half a bottle of water, my stomach wouldn't accept anymore.

I cleaned up and stood, swinging the backpack back on.

The thoughts I had been trying to ignore where creeping into my mind. The man in yellow falling, the thud, the other man running from Him.

I know He knew I was there. He knows everything. So why had He let me see that?

"so you know you're replaceable."

The nice voice whispered.

I ignored it, picking up pace as if I could run and leave all my thoughts behind. Replaceable.

The word kept running through my mind. That word is everything I am, it is everything that defines me.


And He knew it.

This is His game. And I am the pawn.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! I'm too lazy to check, so if you notice any mistakes or things that don't make sense, just tell me! :)

✨💞Vote- comment- and have an amazing day/night!💞✨

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