Chapter Six

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Elizabeth felt eyes watching her and she sat up, reaching for her crowbar.

Panic started filling her as she couldn't feel her weapon beside or anywhere around her. She looked up and met a girl's eyes.


The soft voice whispered to her. Patchy memories of the last 24 hours drifted through her head.

"Finally! I thought you would never wake up. Mom said for you to take a shower and to give you this."

Ellie held out a large, fluffy blue piece of fabric. She must have seen the confusion in Elizabeth's eyes, she let out a small giggle.

"It's a robe." She grinned at Elizabeth. "C'mon!"

Ellie grabbed Elizabeth's hand with a surprisingly tight grip and dragged her up.

"Follow me." Ellie didn't let go of Elizabeth's hand as she dragged her across the room toward the hall. Elizabeth saw some bags and things that she didn't remember being in Ellie's room the other night.

"What are all those for?" Elizabeth slightly dug her feet into the floor, stopping Ellie in her tracks. "Oh," Ellie glanced over at the suitcase and bags that had caught Elizabeth's eye.

"We're moving." She said simply, dragging Elizabeth, who almost tripped over her own feet out of sheer surprise.

This little girl said it so casually, without an ounce of sadness or regret in her voice. How do you just, leave your home?

'Thats a question you should be asking yourself.'

'Oh hush'

Elizabeth didn't have time to ask any questions as Ellie was prodding her into a room.
Ellie handed her the robe and walked in after her.

"Use that." Ellie pointed at a pink towel that was hooked on the wall.
"The second drawer has a guest hairbrush and stuff in it for when you're done. Mom said to take your time."

Elizabeth wasn't sure if that was supposed to be an insult or not, but she shrugged it off.

"I'll be right outside the door, once you get your clothes off just pass em out."

Elizabeth looked around the small room. There was a shower against the wall on the right and a mirror right across from it, accompanied by the toilet.
Elizabeth walked over to the shower and stared at the knobs, she felt like she knew how these worked. There was also helpful blue and red markings. That was nice.
She stripped, passed the clothes out and hopped in the shower.

She examined the knobs and turned the red one all the way around. She jumped as the thing higher up on the wall let out a hiss and water started pouring out. After a bit of freaking out she calmed herself down.

'its supposed to do that.'

The soft voice assured her.
She let out a sigh and stepped under the water, it felt amazing.
The soft voice guided her through it all, telling her what to put in her hair, what to use on her body, all that jazz.

It was difficult with her tangled hair, she kept pulling twigs and leaves out of it. With the amount of dirt and stuff that came off of her, she was surprised that the....

'What was the families name?'

It didn't matter.
She was surprised that they hadn't turned her away, she must have looked awful.

After what was probably longer than necessary, Elizabeth turned the red knob back to it's original position.

She stepped out and looked down, her legs were bright red from the heat of the water and covered in little scars and bruises.

'Were those there before?' there was silence in her head.

'helpful, thanks.'

She crossed the room and grabbed the towel, rubbing it over her head to dry her hair, then wrapping it around her body. She walked over to the mirror that sat above a sink and wiped some steam off. She couldn't really see, but that was alright.

She opened the drawer that Ellie had shown her and grabbed a hairbrush, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Getting all the knots out of her hair was hell, and the soft voice made her brush her teeth twice.

By the time she was finished with that the mirror had cleared up quite a bit and she could see herself.
She leaned in closer, joy overwhelming her.

'That's me! I'm me!'.

The bad voice only snorted.
She looked at her face, she had very hollow cheeks, and she could see her collar bone, but that didn't matter. She had freckles all over her cheeks and nose.

"I love your freckles." There was heat and warmth, happiness?

Elizabeth jerked back from the mirror.

'That was weird.'

A long diagonal scar underneath her collar bone caught her eye. It was paler than her already considerably pale skin.
It was about an inch wide in the largest part, spanning almost shoulder to shoulder. She was only able to examine it for a couple seconds before she was interrupted.

"Elizabeth!" Ellie's voice called from the other side of the door, she gave it a few knocks.

"I'm coming in!"

Elizabeth let out a yelp and flung the robe on just as Ellie entered.
"Your clothes are almost done drying right now, wanna go get them with me?"
Elizabeth looked down at her robed body, then back up at Ellie questioningly.

"Pfft, nobody cares here, you could walk around naked and no one would spare you a second glance."

'that's not how I remember the world working?'

'just roll with it'

After getting her clothes from the laundry room place Elizabeth was walking back to Ellie's apartment silently, which was surprising considering who her companion was.


'here it goes.'

"Do you work for Him? Are you like David?"

A rough static siezed her brain.


Elizabeth fell to her knees, clutching her head. It hurt so much.
She vaguely heard Ellie shouting, but it was hard to hear, to even think with all this static.

She heard worried voices and felt herself getting lifted in the air, then everything went black.


I was gonna type more but it's like, the ass crack of dawn rn, anywho, hope you enjoyed!
💖Like, comment & have a good day/night!💖

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