Breakfast and Business

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                       He hit a few buttons on the coffee pot and it spit out some coffee. He put some bacon into the pan and it started to sizzle he cracked a few eggs and then put those in another pan. The coffee was done. He poured a cup. "Can i fix you a cup?" he asked. "Yea please, with some milk and sugar." He brought his glass over already fixed the way i liked it. "Have mine." "Hey we drink the same coffee." I said.

                "Maybe it was meant to be after all." He joked giving me a smile.  "Maybe, breakfast smells really good." I said. "Thanks it'll be done in a minute i figure it's the least i can do." He said putting a cooked slice of bacon on a plate and pulling out the bread. He took some butter from the fridge and started to butter the bread.

                    "You can cook." I sated. "What does that surprise you?" He asked. "Maybe a little, I mean I never really thought you'd have time to cook." "Usually I don't but I can't live off of fast food ALL the time. I mean please how do you think i keep a body like this?" He joked. He gave the eggs one final scramble then put everything on two plates and brought them over. He sat two types of jelly on the table plus some orange juice in two cups. I put some grape jelly on my toast. Then I added some bacon and eggs to my plate.

                    Once we finished eating he pulled his phone out. He hit a button and the phone rang. He put it on speaker phone. "Hey Jack." "Hey buddy I'm glad you're awake I wanted to talk to you about something." "Right, and I wanted to talk to you about something." Hunter said. "Wouldn't by any chance be the little wedding you had last night would it?" "What!? How do you know about that!!" "It's in all the tabloids!! How could I not?"

                    "That's not good, how did they find out?" Hunter asked. "I don't know but that was a lovely interview you gave." "Oh no, that's not good." "No, not really. Look I'm coming over I'll bring a few copies." He said. "Ok see you in a bit." I paced the living room. This was very bad.  I heard a knock on the door. Hunter walked over and let Jack in.  A middle aged balding man in a black suit walked in. "Hey guys, i take it you're THE Mrs. Hayes. I'm Jack Naples. Hunter's publicist." He said putting his hand out. "Jessica." I said groaning at his awful joke. We took a seat at the table and flipped through the magazines.

                      "Hunter Hayes marries mysterious, unknown girl last night in a quick ceremony. No people were present besides the happy couple. We caught up with Hunter after the ceremony and he said "I am the happiest I have ever been I am in love." He pulled the woman in for a hug and was asked to give her a kiss. He didn't hesitate, he planted a big kiss and didn't stop. We'll be bringing you all the up to date coverage on the happy couple." Hunter said reading the article.

                        He showed me the picture of us kissing. "That's just terrible." I said shaking my head. "Look we didn't mean to get married." Hunter confided in him. "Good, you have no idea how happy i am to hear that. No offense. You are hot right now. Girls are loving you." "Well we'll just go to a judge." Hunter said. "You don't think i did that!?  She says she saw the magazines. She knows how 'in love' you guys are.  I told her it wouldn't work and it needed to be shut down. She is convinced you guys are having a lovers spat. She says all celebrities try to claim this and she isn't having it." Jack said. "No way, well that's fine we can just talk to her again and explain the situation." "Right about that..." Jack waited.

                         "Jack don't even go there, I am not doing it." Hunter put his hand up. "What?" I asked. "Jack wants us to stay married, but I'm not sure why." "You literally just said you were relieved we weren't really in love." I said furrowing my brow. We both turned to Jack. "Look people know about the wedding. People are invested in this. You are being talked about...a lot. This could be good for your image. It'll get people talking about you. Then in a few months you can just get the annulment. You can go back to being Mr. hottie. You guys have plenty of time. And that will boost you career even more." "No it will not!" I stood up. "They will hate me, I'll be a villain and my life will be over! They will all feel bad for him.  I'll never sell another article of clothing again! And if he breaks up with me? Then I'll just be his looser ex. My family will never let me live this down. " I said putting my hands up. How dare he even consider such a thing. I'm sure Hunter was a great guy but he wasn't mine. I didn't love him and it wasn't right.

                         "Just consider it!" Said Jack. "NO! My mom will have a fit when she finds out I got married and didn't tell her. And include her no, no way!" I said. "Well the fans are all over this." Jack said. "It happened last night, no way." I said. Jack went over to the side table and pulled hunters lap top into the kitchen. "Take a look for yourself." He said going to hunters twitter.

                There were already hundreds of comments. 'who is she?' 'I can't bl he's off the market we were meant 2 b.' 'i saw pictures of her, she's really ugly it wont last.' "Hey!" I said at that comment. 'She was at his show last night. They went dancing afterwards.' 'She is so gross.' "Ok that's mean!" 'She drugged Hunter why else would he marry that skank? I mean I know everything about Hunter how did I not know about her?' My point exactly.

               We scrolled down and saw more of the same. "Wow. That did go viral." I said. I saw more comments being posted by the second. "You have a lot of fans." I said.   "You see guys, we have to make this go. Look i need to take care of a few more things but Jess you should arrange to have your stuff moved in by the weeks end." He said.

               "Woah I never agreed to this!" I said putting my hands up. "I know that, but the judge isn't going to grant you an annulment anyways." He said. "What!? WHY NOT!?" I asked getting louder. "I told you the judge thinks it's a lovers spat. She is saying you guys have to be together for like three months before she will grant it." "Oh yea now you tell us." Hunter said rolling his eyes. "Well I'm sorry I thought that might seem like bad news so I was waiting." He said.

             "This is a nightmare." I said. "Hey, i don't think being married to me is that bad." Hunter said. "No it's not you, it's just the situation. I have stuff. Back home." "Oh, you have a job? A boyfriend?" He asked.  "Well okay i did just quit my job. And my boyfriend might've dumped me....Ok fine. I can't leave my roommates hanging." I stuttered out. I hasn't planned on saying anything about that because we were supposed to be getting our marriage annulled. 

       "That's nice of you and I'm really sorry to have to ask you to do this." He said. "But you don't understand. I have a life. I can't be Hunter Hayes Lap dog. Somebody who just follows you around." I said throwing my hands up.  "I never asked you to be my lap dog. Come on."   "But my life just fell apart, i mean it went to crap i was going to put it back together." I said. "So you'll do that here." He said.            

              "Speaking of, if you are going to allow her access to your money. Since i guess now it's hers as much as it is yours. We need you guys to sign this. Saying you won't ask for any money when you guys split." He pointed where i should sign. "There's no need i don't want his stupid money! I don't want any of this!" I said. "Ok then, well I'll just leave this here in case you change your mind. Jack said backing out to go. "I won't change my mind." I said glaring. "It's fine I don't need you to sign anything." Hunter said. "Yes you do man,  i mean she has a point the fans aren't going to go easy on her...I guess she could move to a private island or something..." "Jack if you don't get out of here man I'm gonna hurt you!" Hunter said walking toward the door as Jack backed out.

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