Sweet dreams

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She stepped back so we could come in. "You have a lovley home Mrs. Hayes." I said. "Please Call me Lynette." She said. "Ok Lynette. Thank you for having us." I said. "Any thing for my son and beautiful daughter in law." She pulled me in for another hug. When she pulled back she retreated out of the room a bit. "Leo, thery're here!" She called into the living room. Hunter grabbed my hand gripping it tightly. I hoped he couldn't feel the sweat i was nervous as all get out.

I saw his dad come into view. He was tall. "Son, you didn't find some girl in nashville did you?" He asked looking from me to him. I gulped. "Yes, but she's from Louisiana." Hunter said. "You know sounds to me like it was meant to be." Lynette said clasping her hands together and sighing. "I can see it." She said. "See what?" I asked. "The love you to have for each other." I choked out a cough trying my hardest not to laugh. "Oh we do." Hunter said pulling me into him for a side hug.

"Well, dinner is on the stove. Gumbo for you like you requested." She told Hunter. We all piled in and fixed a bowl taking a seat at the table. She had a large pitcher of tea in the middle and Hunter poured us both some. His dad reached for the fillet and sprinkled a bit into his gumbo. I took a few crackers from the plate and crunched them into the bowl. It smelled really good. After Hunter said the blessing we ate. "This is really great Lynette." I said. "Oh thank you dear." She smiled. "You'll have to give me the recipe." I said. I had tried to make my mothers gumbo but it always turned out Green. Gumbo should not be green....ever.

"So tell me how did you two meet?" She asked. We had discused this because we told the press that we knew each other from Louisiana which was in fact not true.

But our families didn't know that. We wanted to keep the story as cohesive as posible. I was a working adult with my own place and Hunter was living the dream. "Oh we met a few years ago. It was a work thing. Jessica showed up because some of her clothing was there and i preformed we just hit it off. We kind of kept it private because of the press. I didn't want her all over the news." Hunter said. We figured that would apease our family. They all seemed rather hurt that we didn't tell them we were dating. "Oh of course! That makes sense. I mean i wished you would've told your momma but i understand." "I am sorry we didn't tell you but i was worried for her. This isn't her life and she shouldn't be thrown into it." Hunter said.

His dad grunted. "Well now that you two are married she's in it anyways. If you would've said ya'll were dating it would've given her time to adjust." He said. "Well you know so many people don't stay together when one of them or both of them are famous it's hard. Expecialy dating long distance." I said. He mulled this over. "I suppose you're right. Don't wanna tell people then to have you guys break up a few months later." He said. Whew dodged that bullet.

We finished eating but sat around afterwards talking and eating apple pie, my favorite. I'm sure Hunter must've told his mom. Nine olclock rolled around and i let out a yawn. "Oh goodness i guess you two have had a long day in the car." Lynette said standing up. We helped her clear off the table. We loaded the dishes into the dish washer and she put up the left over gumbo. "Hunters room is down the hall and to the right. The door right in front of that is the bathroom. I hope you don't mind sleeping in his old room." She said. "No, it's fine. Thank you."

"I'm going to go hop in the shower." I told hunter. "Ok i'll go get the stuff from the car. I'll see you in a bit." He said. I leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips hoping it looked normal. It shocked him but he quickly recovered. "thanks." I said. I went into the bathroom folding my clothes neatly in a pile on the counter and hopped in. I hadn't given any thought to where the towels were or what i'd put on when i got out. I used the shampoo and body wash that was in the tub since mine was in the car. I had shaved last night and my legs were still mostly smooth.

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