chapter 4

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*half of month till concert*

its a saturday and im sleeping at mandys house later. but now i have to find a new outfit so i stand out from all the girls in the crowd and the ones who want one of them in bed. "hmm, what to wear what tooooo...." i look at my phone 5 messages, "wow, im famous!? haha naw" i laugh at myself. there all from mandy on what we will be doing at her house while her parents are away.

i go back to looking for an outfit when suddenly, i find a short leather skirt i take it out, i found a black plain shirt. i went into the bathroom and put it on, i saw it needed more. i saw stockings with the little mermaid in black and white, i put those one and my black vans. i walk to my full mirror i have on my door, and just couldn't resist to take a pic and send it to mandy.

i sent it to her, she quickly texted back and said "YOU KINDA LOOK LIKE ASH FROM NEW YEARS DAY!!!!!" i laughed and texted her back "haha thanks, wasn't going for that but its good. its my outfit for the concert." she didn't read or text me back so i got back into my regular clothes and put some clothes into a bag for the sleep over.

i went downstairs to watch tv, as my dad walked into the room from the kitchen, he waved to me then walked upstairs. i turned on the tv and put on animal planet, pitbulls and parolees. i was about to fall asleep but then my phone rang, "hello" "amanda come over now!" mandy told me, "okay" is all i said as i hung up got my stuff told my dad, and walked to her house.

as i was walking i saw a group of girls walking to the mall and i over heard them say something about davey but i passed it as nothing. so i just walked to her house passing many houses i saw her outside and ran to her. she and i went in her house, it was 3:10 and we had nothing to do so we put on bluetooth and blasted love like winter. my all time favorite song ever, like right after coffin by black veil brides.

*4 hours later*

we are in her house alone, in her living room watching a scary movie. we turned off all the lights, we jump as the music becomes loud and someone jumps out. when it went quiet we heard the phone ring, no one wanted to answer. it stopped then rang again, so mandy got up to answer. "h-hello?" she said "sweetie why do you sound scared? and we are coming home tomorrow night is that fine?" her mom asked through the phone. mandy sighed in relief that it was her mom, she talked to her mom for a few minutes then came back and sat with me.

the movie ended and we both go running up to her room, as if some killer was after us. "hahahaha" we both say out of nervousness, we get our pjs on and sit on her bed for a while. "sooo mandy what are you wearing to the concert?" i asked out of curiosity, she jumped up and said "i thought you never ask!" and ran into her closet she got her clothes and quickly ran into the bathroom. she came out three minutes later with a mini skirt on, it was black and red, puffy enough to not be short. then she had a crop top that said motionless in white with knee high boots. i whistled at her, she giggled and closed the door of the bathroom to get dressed.

"its late amanda, im going to sleep" she said as we got under the blanket. we stayed on our phones till 2:00 and then we both fell asleep.

love like winter (davey havok)Where stories live. Discover now