chapter 12

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*amanda's pov*

when mandy came out of the bathroom and said that we can stay for awhile i smiled so much and we all yelled yes! i felt davey squeeze me in excitment. she sat down next to jade and they both held hands under the table. i saw adam and hunter whisper then laugh, i ignore it and went back to looking at nothing. "soo girls what you wanna eat?" asked adam, i didnt know so i looke at mandy, and she said "pizza!" i smiled and they all looked at her. "what?!?!" "we have money, and two girls with our brothers, we cant just let you guys eat pizza!" hunter said, i looked at the floor, "how about to a diner!" adam said. i looked up and looked at davey then mandy, "yes! me and amanda can get our seat, you two your, and adam and hunter be that lovely gay couple there" davey said, we all laughed "omg yassss!!" adma said in a gay way. 

we arrived at the diner, very fancy for my taste. we walked in and the person at the front showed us all of our seats, davey asked for a seat where the others wont see us. so we sat in the back by the window, "this is lovely, isnt it?" asked davey, i looked at himand said "yes, but im not used to going to a fancy one" i told him, he laughed and grabbed my hand that wason the table. i looked at my hand then to davey's face, i started to blush so hard, "dont be shy" he said "tell me stuff about you" he sad. "well.." i started "i live with my dad, a couple miles away from here, and i have to get a job to help my dad out with the house, i get bullied at school." i was gonna finish but the waiter came up and asked what we wanted, i got a salad and davey got steak. i was gonna start talking when davey asked "where is your mom, if you dont mind?" once he said that my heart just dropped, i started to tear up and davey saw. "oh god, im sorry amanda" "its fine, but i will tell you what happend" i started, "it was five months ago, when i was only 18" i paused "my mom and dad were coming home one night from dinner, and a drunk driver." i took a breath while shaking "and he ran into them, my dad was trying to make my mom stay till the cops and everything were there, but it was late, she was..." i stopped to look at davey who looked like we was ready to cry, "she died in my dads hands..." i finished. davey walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, i just cried on him till we parted. "i want to make you smile not cry" he told me which made me smile "theres that beautiful smile i like" i laughed at him.

we all finished our meals and paid our meals, we were walking out when davey said "we should just walk around show them the town" "yes!" said jade while looking at mandy, she blushed. "okay love birds dont do anything nasty" hunter told us and gave me a look, i just laughed it off. me and davey walked the other way while adam and hunter went on the bus. as we were walking davey grabbed my hand and just held it in his, and he started to smile, we walked into a park and went ti the playground. i ran to the swings and davey went be hind me to push me, "amanda?" he questione "yes?" "why do you get bullied at schoo?" he asked, i stopped got off to face him then got back on. "well its becasue how i look, the music i listen too the people i like and everyone know about my mom.." i told him, he sighed and looked at me. our faces just about a inch apart, "i wont let that happen to you" he told me "i know" i looked into his eyes, they were so beautiful. i was gonna say something but something happened, he was kissing me! my eyes became wide, but then i closed then to enjoy this moment o wont get with anyone else.

davey and i walked back to the bus and got on, still hand in hand. i was smiling like crazy, then mandy said "we have to go" i frowned and said "okay." we  arrived at the hotel and all of us got off, i looked then remembered that they were on the same floor as us. they walked us to our rooms and hunter and adams went to their rooms. jade and mandy four doors down, davey and me at our room, we said our goodbye. i was going to go in till davey pulled me into a kiss, the kiss felt like it was forever but was only 1 minute. he walked away while looking at me, i smiled and walked into the room. i ran to mine and jumped on the bed. 'wow, i kissed davey havok of afi twice in one night' i thought to myself, that made me smile even more. 'this was the best night of my life ever' then i fell asleep.

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