chapter 16

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we walked on the bus, where jade, adam and hunter came up to hug me. "hey amanda we are sorry we acted like that with those girls" adam started off, "yea, we just thought something and just feel so stupid now for not looking into it" said hunter. i looked at them then to davey, "what we are trying to say is that, we all didnt know if you liked davey back, and we didnt know if you two were together or anything... but now we see you really do like him" jade said, i made the 'o' face and looked to davey. he just nodded and looked down, sadly. i hugged him and he got scared, but soon hugged me back. i smiled, i sat down at the table and so did everyone else. hunter couldnt fit, so he sat on adam and jades lap. i laughed so hard i hut my nose on the table and made myself bleed. i looked up to find blood on the table and on my hand and face, hunter, adam and jade quickly got up and ran to get stuff for me. i was still shocked and just started to stare off, then davey pinched my nose and pushed my head back "they are going to get stuff for your nose, amanda, you will be fine" he said i looked at him. "its not like im dying, its just a bloody nose" i told him, "i dont care if its a bloody nose or a paper cut, w all care about you and how you are and we want to take care of you" he told me. i just shrugged and waited for them to get here.

once they got here, i was happy because davey has finally let go of me, and i felt stuff being shove up my nose. i flinched back in pain and a cotton ball was shoved up with great force. "FUCK!" i yelled, they all stopped, and looked at me and i dug into my nose to getit out. i flinched as i did, it hurt more then i thought. i finally got it out and it was covered with blood like my finger. i sighed, "dont shove random shit up there, it hurts" i said harshly, they all looked shocke and nodded then went back to it. they listened to me and didnt hurt me or shove anything up my nose. as they finished i was happy and tired so i went to my bunk, and got under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.

*2 hours later*

i woke up, and i heard talking. i couldnt tell what they were saying but then it became clear, "what should i do guys?" someone said "just ask her! dude it will make life easier" someone else said "yea it would, just ask her when she wakes" the thrid person say. then i became tired again and went back to sleep. i woke up a while later to everyone sleeping, i got off my bed and went to find something to drink. the bus was moving and i tried not to fall, but my tiredness came to me and i fell on the table. i froze, thinking i woke someone up. i looked 'good, their still sleeping' i thought. i turned around and started to slowly walk to the mini fridge, i jumped as i felt hands around my waist. "its okay love" davey said in his sleepy voice, i just wanted to melt from it. i relaxed and opened up the fridge and looked around, davey started to kiss my neck and i couldnt help but fall for it. then i realized i didnt wake up to do this, i wanted food. "hmm davey... stop" i said laughing, and i turned around in his arms, he looked at me with a sad face. "haha dont cry my little baby" i told him, "im not a baby, you are" he joked. i made it look like i got offended by it, and put my hand to my chest. i turned back around and got what is left of a chocolate bar, i took daveys hands off of me and sat down at the table. "you are healthy" he joked, "i know i do this all the time."

we sat there for over an hour and we heard someone get up. in walks jade, "hey guys" he said while rubbing his eyes. "hi" i said "you two talk pretty loud" he told us. i start to blush, "its 3:00 demons, ghost and dead people walk around now" he said. "oh god, please stop. i've always hated that stuff" i told him. he just looked at me, opened the fridge, grabbed the apple juice container and walked back to his bed. i start to giggle when i heard "shut up you two!" jade whispered harshly, i lowly giggle and look at davey. he just stared at me, i blushed and looked away. he put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. "amanda, i love you with all my heart, i hope you know that. i hate to make you feel like shit, it breaks my heart to see you cry." he told me, and i started to tear up, "davey, you just took my words out my mouth" i told him. he stared at me more, then started to kiss me. i couldnt help but kiss back, it was a full on make out. i liked it, he ended up on top of me. we were in the booth laying down, while making out. i liked it alot, but then i freaked. "NO STOP!" i yelled and kicked him off. lucky the bus stopped and i ran off with tears in my eyes.

*daveys pov*

"NO STOP!" amanda yelled, and i ran my hand under her shirt and up her back. she kicked me off and across the bus, she started to cry and ran off the bus. i was shocked what happened to her, i woke up the rest of the guys. "hey guys! wake up, amanda ran off!" i told them about to cry my eyes out. they woke up without a problem. they got dressed fast, "what even happen!" adam asked. i didnt want to answer but i know i had to, "well we were making out... and i just reached my hand under her shirt up her back..." i felt my face go red. "i will call mandy to see what happened in the past" jade said. hunter, adam and me went to find her while jade stayed on the bus to call mandy. 'im such a fuck up' i thought ot myself.

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