chapter 25

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*5:00 pm*

i woke up to someone shaking me, "stooop" i mumbled into the pillow. "come on babe, wake up!" davey said. i rolled away from him, i heard him walk over to me and pick me up. "davey nooo" i said while putting my face into his neck. i then felt him put me down and cold water. "ahh oh my god!" i yelled, "you wouldn't wake up" davey said, "so i made you a cold bath" he said with pride. i looked at him, while getting out. he went out and got me a warm towel, i hugged it as it was gonna save me from the cold. i stripped and wrapped the towel around me, and walked out for a new shirt and shorts. i found a motionless in white shirt and black shorts, i threw those on and walked out to davey who was on the couch. "don't you look beautiful, babe" he said to me while winking, i playfully hit him. "stop, that cold bath didn't help me look beautiful" i told him, then got up and went to the fidge. i felt hands around my waist and felt davey put his head on my back. "hmm what are you doing?" he questioned, "ahh looking for food, cause im hungry" i told him. he sighed got off and went into the room.

*jades pov*

im happy davey and amanda got married but, we were writing songs and he kept texting and calling her. "adam, get davey" i told adam, because davey is going crazy. "davey! she probably fell asleep!" hunter yelled to him as he walked in with adam. "i got his phone" adam whispered in my ear as he walked by. i nodded and we went back to practicing, and this time davey focused.

*mandys pov*

i just called amanda with alex next to me, and she told me she graduated early and is getting married to davey! i was in shocked, "what?!? mandy?!?" alex asked. "amanda... she graduated early... and is getting married to davey" i told him, he looked mad and upset. i looked at him, he was crying. he got off my bed and went to a wall and punched it. "i love her mandy.... and she went for someone who will break her heart like that!" he said while snapping. i felt sorry for him, he lored her so much. and he never knew about her and davey.

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