chapter 24

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*daveys pov*

i woke up to no one in the bed, i got up. but then i looked down to find me naked, i got some shorts and put them on. as i walked out of the room i smelt food being made. i smiled and remembered yesterday, and how i made amanda my soon to be wife. as i walked to the kitchen i saw amanda in my shirt and her underwear. i smiled as i walked up behind her, i wrapped my arms around her waits. "good morning babe" she said, "morning" i mumbled into her neck. "what are you making?" i asked "you know pancakes, eggs and vegetarian bacon" she said. i felt my stomach grumbled, "is it almost done?" "yes it is!" she cheered. i laughed at her, "why are you laughing at me?" she asked "oh nothing" i said while sitting down. she gave me that look, as she put my food down and walked away, i grabbed her "i laughed at you because how cute you are when you are mad" i said. she put her hand on her chest "i wasn't mad you butt!" she said then playfully slapped me. she kissed me, then got up. i couldn't help it, so i slapped her butt. she turned to me in shock, i shrugged. she then turned around and went back to getting her food.

*1 hour later*

i was still in my shorts and amanda was taking a shower. she has a habit of locking the door, so i can't go to the bathroom. so i sat on the couch and turned on the tv, sponge bob was on and i didn't feel like changing it so i just watched it.

*amanda's pov*

i walked out of the bathroom with another one of davey's shirt on, and i found him watching tv. but i laughed because it was sponge bob, "sponge bob huh?" i said and saw him jump a little. "hahahah never knew it was scary, i thought it was funny" i said while sitting next to him. "well you scared me so i jumped!" he said and pulled me onto him. we just stayed there, till my phone rang. i got up and i heard davey whine, i gave him a sad face, smiled then walked into the room. i got my phone and looked at the name, it was mandy. "amanda where are you?" she questioned, 'shit' i thought. "im at a beach house.." i said "a what?! amanda you want just leave us to go with davey, you have school." she said angry, "mandy i know. but i graduated early! and yesterday davey proposed to me!" i said. "he proposed?" she asked sounding annoyed, "yea. but hey i got to no. call ya later" i said then  hung up. she sounded dissatisfied with it, so i walked out to davey and pushed it aside. i was happy, davey was happy, so im good.

i sat there while davey went to practice with the boys, he would send me pics of the guys or of him with some weird face. so i would send them back, but of the wall and draw something on the pic. it was fun till i sat on the bed and fell asleep.

*1 hour later*

i woke up to my phone buzzing, i looked at it to see daveys name on it, then its gone. i open my phone to find 100 messages and 20 calls from davey. i called him back "oh my god amanda you are alive!" he screamed through the phone. i laughed "yea i just took a nap" "okay good, cuz me and the guys went out for lunch and now we are working again.. oh and i also sent more pics of the guys eating" he said. " haha okay i will look at them" i said "okay got to go, love you!" "love you too!" then we hung up. i looked at all the pics and found a funny one of adam eating. i put my phone down after telling davey i was taking another nap, and went back to sleep.

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