chapter 23

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*amandas pov*

i was in joy that i was staying at a beach house with him, he was my life. he made me hapy, i never felt this happy before in my life! it was already 5:00 pm, and i was hungry "davey! what are we gonna eat?" i asked walking in the romm to find davey all dressed up with flowers. i couldnt stop smiling this was so perfect, like it was a fairy tale. but it wasnt it was real life, and then i realized i wasnt all fancy. "oh davey? what is this?" he walked over to me, gave me the flowers, kissed me then walked out. he shut the door behind him, i was confused. then i looked on the bed to find a black and white dress, with a note and it said ' amanda, i want to take you out to eat. my treat, i also have a surpise for you. you are my life, i love you. davey xxoo' my heart jumped and probably skipped a beat. i held the note up to my chest, i took in a breath to calm myself. 

i picked up the dress and looked at it, it was beautiful! longer in the back, it had white at the top which fades into black as it goes down. it was breath taking, i took off my clothes and pulled the dress over my head. as it slid down my body i felt it was like silk, as it was on i walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. i couldnt believe it, it was wonderful! then the door opened, i turned to find davey looking at me. "wow!" he said then whistled, i quickly turn and blush. "you look, beautiful in that dress" he said, i looked at him, "really?" i aksed, he nodded and smiled. he then walked over to the closet and opened it, he bent down and got a shoe box. he patted the bed for me to sit, i walked over and sat down. he then got down on one knee and opened the shoe box, i looked at the shoes. i then gasped in shock, i couldnt believe my eyes; the shoes were all black, with white and blue crystals along the front and back. i put my hands to my face and looked at davey, "i thought you would like these, they arent high heels, but they have little stubs" he said. i laughed and said "its fine, but they are beautiful!" he then placed the shoes on my feet and got up, he took my hand to help me up. "the shoes are comfy" i said, he nodded and smiled. he then lent down and kissed me, i kissed back. then it was a full make out scene, but then we parted and walked out hand in hand.

we got into his car and drove off, i looked out the window the moon was full, big and bright. it was beautiful, i've always liked the night time, with the stars and moon out just breath taking. we soon ended up at some fancy restaurant. "davey, what?" i couldnt say anything else, he just got out, ran to my side and like a gentlemen he opened my door and helped me out. there were paparazzi there snaping every movement we did. davey then gave the man his keys to park his car, we walked passed the paps and some fans, and walked in. "davey havok" davey said, "oh come this way please" the man at the front desk said. we followed him to a table in the back by a window of the city, i couldnt take my eyes off of it. "amanda.. you know i love you right?" davey asked, i just looked at him "davey of course! i love you too, you are my world!" i told him and saw him smile. his smile could brighten up anyone day, it was that amazing. 

we ordered out food and we both go the cheese sticks thing, they were amazing! i havent had anything like that before. as we finished and the waiter came and took our plates, we walked out paided and got daveys car. we got in and davey said "im taking you somewhere else i hope you know that" he said, i looked at him "davey, you dont need to" i said, he then looked at me as we were at a stop light, "amanda, i love you and i want to spoil you now" he said with a smirk. i just giggled and blushed, he then drove off. i saw we came up to this lake, it was breath taking, it was amazing. davey got out and then brought me out, we walked into the gazebo, it was all white with red roses and white lights around it. i then heard music, like lovely classy music, im not a fan of it but it was nice. davey then grabbed my waist and started to dance, i put my arms around his neck and we both just looked into each others eyes. his eyes were glowing with the lights.

*daveys pov*

her eyes... oh god, i need her to be with me forever and ever. she will be my queen till we die, i love her that much. i already asked her dad fror her hand, and he was so happy he said i could. i had the ring in my pocket but i was so scared, like what if she said no. i tried to push it back, and focus on her in my arms, while we dance. she was even more beautiful in this lighting, i then pressed my lips into hers and felt her kiss back. "i love you" i said "i love you too davey" amanda said and she put her head on my shoulder. 

after what felt like 100 years, i stopped slow dancing with her. i held her hand and looked her dead in the eyes. "amanda, i love you and you know that. i know its probably annoying, but amanda i cant live without you. you are my world, my life and everything. so amanda." i said and got the box out of my pocket and went on one knee. he face was in shocked, i still held her left hand. "amanda will you marry me?" i felt weight get off my shoulder, and her face was all red, she was crying too. "yes, davey, yes i will marry you!" she said sounding so happy, i put the ring on her finger and got up and took her in for a long lasting hug. i still heard her cry still, but out of joy, excitement happiness. 

*amandas pov*

davey just proposed to me, i couldnt stop myself from crying from this happiness i just got. i said "yes davey, yes i will marry you!" he put the ring on my finger, got up and hugged me. i didnt want to let go, my day got better and better. as we parted from the hug i asked "davey how? what? does my dad know?" he nodded and then he said "i wanted us to be more, to be a family.i wanted you forever" after that i just started crying again.

after all that emotional moment, we went back to the beach house. as i walked into the room davey came up behind me and started to kiss my neck, i melted inside. i turned around and it turned into a make out, he then lifted me up and put me on the bed. we made out even more, and things got intense, very intense. 

(side note- i dont like going into full details on the sex, so i will just leave it here. but i really hope you guys like it!)

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