my fireside boy

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did it bring you any joy,
to watch me dance
on the rooftop of your apartment?
because the burning in my lungs
from the cool air,
and the silvery hue
you wore on your skin from the moon
made me feel alive
(and i'd like to think you felt alive too).
my hair danced like angels in the sky,
whipping back and forth
as my hands grasped for the stars that set themselves apart from the deep sky.
would life ever be this fun again?
the fireside boy of my dreams
(the one with fiery brown eyes,
a pale white face,
and not quite black lips)
sitting right next to me,
hands intertwined
and my other,
digging nails into rough concrete
grasping for this moment
to please stay forever
(because i'd hate to watch
my fireside boy die out).

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