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Staring at the note in my hand, I am feeling nervous. I wouldn't normally be found on this side of Caldwell, New York, it's not my normal hangout. But I am here because my mother died and said I could find my father here, at this club. ZeroSum. A club my mother insist I look into.

Does it make me nervous being here? Do I really want to be here? Not really. But the truth is, I have wanted to know my father for years. I have wanted to know why he wasn't in my life. My mother never told me about him. Just that I have his black hair an and his temperament. I still dont know if that's a good thing or bad thing. But the thing is, I would do anything to know him. Just to know what happened to him. I'm all alone in this world and I desperately want to know that I am not alone.

I take a few slow steps toward the club, a whistle stops me. I frown and turn toward the noise. Coming my way are four pale men. All of them have blonde hair. They give me the creeps. I start walking toward the club in a faster pace but I am stopped when I feel someone grab my elbow. I try to pull away from him but his buddies are surrounding me.

I try to take a few breaths and recall the self defense training I took a few years ago. I wait until the grip on my arm loosens enough before I twist my body while simultaneously knocking his feet out from under him. He let's go as he falls but his buddies try to grab me. I start kicking and punching, trying to remain as calm as I can. But one of them grabs me by the hair and I cant help but cry out. He pulls on my hair until I am on my knees.

"She is so close." I hear one of them say.

So close to what? What is he talking about? Before I can think anything else, I watch as the guy I knocked down pull out a gun.

This is why I dont come in this area of town. It's bad and people go missing all the time. I am now one of them. Maybe I should have waited until it was light out.

I am pulled from my thoughts when I feel the cool  steel of the gun press against my temple. All thoughts leave my head. All I want is to be left alone.

One of them crouches in front of me and I try to look away, but he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. He smells like he bathed in baby powder and enjoys that smell. I find myself wanting to gag at the smell.

"Where is their compound?" He demands.

"Wh-what?" I ask confused.

"The brotherhood's compound. Where is it?" He says rather gruffly.

"I dont know what you are talking about." I say.

He punches me in the face, knocking me off balance. I fall hard on the ground and cracking the back of my head hard. My vision blurs for a moment. As I try to stand, I feel a kick to my ribs followed by more kicks. All four of them are kicking me. The one who punches me, kneels in my line of vision and smiles at me.

"I'll ask again. Where is it?" He asks me.

I just shake my head. I honestly dont know what he is talking about. I watch as he puts the gun to my head again. The kicks still coming.  One of his buddies pulls out a knife and waves it in my face. He pulls back to strike, but a gunshot rings out and he falls on top of me. I cry out in pain as he crushes my already sore and probably broken ribs. I try to move and push him off of me but pain shots through my body. I cant move. My head is throbbing and my ribs ache. It kills to breathe and my vision is going in and out. I feel myself wanting to vomit because of the pain.

I hear grunts of fighting as the guy on top of me finally moves to get off me. I assume it's on his own, but I see a pair of black shitkickers as he is lifted off me. I try and watch but I cant move my head. I try and will my body to move.

I feel myself roll from my side to my back, wave after wave of pain fills my body. I feel myself gag against the pain. My head pounds, my body aches, my vision is going, and I want to vomit.

Before I know it, the sounds of fighting stops. I vaguely wonder if anyone is going to come to rescue me. I vaguely wonder if my father will find me. No one knows I am here besides those pale men and the people they fought.

I cant begin to think about what could have happened or what might happen.  I dont want to thnk those thoughts. Right now, I want to will my body to get up off this ground and make my way someplace safe.

I try to move my arm to reach into my bag for my phone but pain stops me. I cant stop the pained moan that slips out of me.

I hear racing footsteps coming toward me. I close my eyes waiting for them to do me in. But instead I feel a gentle hand against my forehead.

"Head wound, probably ribs too. Not sure of any other injuries." I hear a gentle yet masculine voice say.

I will my eyes to open it they won't obey.

"Let's take her to Havers." I hear another voice say.

"No. Manny. Havers isn't accepting pretrans at the moment." Gentle voice says.

"I'll get the car and let Manny know."

I feel hands move under my neck and down my side. I groan as the touch causes me pain.

"Shh... It will be fine. I am going to get you medical attention."

"N-note. My mother's... note." I struggle to say. "My left hand."

I feel gentle fingers at my left hand. I will my hand to open and pray the note is still there. I dont know what I expect this man to do with it but I dont want it lost.

"Our ride is here. I'm  going to lift you. It will hurt. But I won't be doing it on purpose." He says.

Although I brace for the pain, it's too much and I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

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