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Appearing in downtown Caldwell, I am more than ready to fight. Not only because I have been off rotation for a few days but because I really need to burn off some steam. Not only is my body rebelling against me because I didn't fully bond with Lyric, but I also need to feed. I can feel that coming on quicker than I want it to. I also know that Lyric will need to feed again soon as well. Just the thought of her needing to feed has me wanting to return to the mansion. But I know I cant. I know I cant feed her again, that is something for whoever Wrath chooses to mate her to. As the King of our race, it is his decision, by law, who she mates. I know it wont be me. I know she will be feeding off some other male. I know that she will be having young with another male. At those thoughts, I growl. I cant help it.

"Everything alright there, son?" I hear Vishous ask.

That's another reason I want... No, need to fight. Because I went from being partnered with Quinn to being partnered to both Quinn and Vishous. Not that Uncle V is a bad fighter or anything, but because for some reason Wrath thinks I need a second babysitter. I tried to talk my way out of it, but it didn't matter. V was coming along with Quinn and I. We just got lucky to be assigned the area of town that allowed us to end up at one of our frequent clubs for an hour after we finished our jobs. That was the light at the end of this tunnel.

"You okay, Aghony?" He asks again.

I sigh, "Yes, I am fine."

He just arches a brow. Sometimes I wish I wasnt a child with a father in the Brotherhood. Sometimes, I wish that these brothers and warriors would see me for who I really am. A strong warrior with a knack for strategic planning and very good at hand to hand combat. But they don't seem to realize my worth. I went through the training courses. I trained under the Brotherhood. And because of the law, I cant become a Brother. I am not the child of a Chosen, even though my mother used to be a chosen, she isn't anymore and that makes it so I cant join the Brotherhood.

The sound of Quinn approaching us, tells me its time to start patrolling. I cant wait to find these undead assholes and kill a few. I need to work out this rage. I take lead tonight, its something that Quinn and I usually pass off. I feel like if I can impress him, I can impress Wrath. So I start on our usual path. Around the perimeter of our sector, slowly working around it until we reach the middle.

Nothing. Not one single Lesser to be seen. No scent of them either. Its almost like they are either playing an excellent game of hide and seek or they really aren't here. we work our way back out to the perimeter. Again with no luck in finding any Lessers. Where are these assholes. Why aren't we coming across any of them. I see V on his phone texting, probably asking the others if they have had any luck.

It isn't a good thing, when we cant find a Lesser. It has never ended well for the Brotherhood before. Surely, it wont end well now. I know that V is looking into the possible new locations for the recruitment center for the Lessers. We are just waiting on him to finally be done.

"No one is finding anything. John and Blay found just a lone new recruit looking for something." V tells us.

"I think its time we regroup with the others." Quinn says to him.

I shake my head. "We are near one of the locations where we suspect the new recruitment center to be. Why not go by and see whats up?" I ask.

The look on both of their faces tells me that I made the wrong statement. No one ever listens to my decisions. No one ever takes into account what I have to say. I became a warrior with the intention of becoming a Brother. It irritates me when they look at me like what I say doesn't matter.

"Because we would need backup and we don't want to risk exposing ourselves to them, if it does just so happen to be their recruitment center." V tells me.

"I said check it out. Not penetrate it. I think that if we go and stick to the shadows and sit on it and wait, I think it would be good." I tell them. "You have been looking into these places for months and cant come up with anything. Lets try this my way."

"Not going to happen." V says.

I roll my eyes and start stalking down the street. I am so angry. Why cant they see that I am good at this stuff. I can hear V and Quinn talking. I look behind me to see that they aren't watching me. They know I wont go too far. I do not have a death wish. Well, that might be debatable.

I just want to check it out. I want to sit on it and see what could be going on there. I know that the Lessers enjoy using martial arts academies as their centers, so this one fits the bill. If I am wrong, I doubt I am, but if I am, I will admit I am. But how can we find out if I am or not. Waiting on V to hack into financial records and deeds and rental histories of these places isn't leading us anywhere.

That's when it hits me. I lean against the SUV that Quinn drove, just in case. I watch them look at me and back at each other. I could dematerialize there and find a decent hiding place and they wouldn't know where I went. They would suspect but they wouldn't know. They would either assume I went back to the mansion, or to the place I want to visit. Neither of them know really what I will do. Quinn might figure it out quickly, but V, I doubt it.

So as I watch them still talk, I slowly make my way into the shadows and remember the address to the center close to here. I dematerialize outside and find a place to hide. The roof looks promising, no one ever looks that closely when they want to find an intruder. I just hope this is worth the trouble.

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