Twenty Three

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Its the day before our mating ceremony and I am nervous. Tomorrow after first meal, I will be getting ready to mate Lyric. I will be getting ready to have her name carved into my back.

But until then, I am still on rotation. Tonight, we are talking about a game plan for taking the Lesser recruitment center. Tonight, I am meeting with Vishous, Rhage, and Wrath about it. All three of them want to hear my ideas about what we should do. Which I am all to happy to give. I mean, I was once on their roof undetected and never found. I recorded their information without them knowing. I have a few ideas.

"So, Aghony, how do you think we should approach this center?" Wrath asks me.

I smile. "Well, I have a few ideas. One of them is that half of us, warriors and Brothers, remain on the ground, hidden from sight. The other half take the roof, also out of sight. On a signal, the ones on the roof will infiltrate from the roof, and the ones on the ground will be the clean up crew. Whoever runs out of the building, will run into them." I say. "This way we can get the maximum amount of Lessers at one time and be done."

"The other?" Wrath asks.

"The other idea is, that we surround the building. Waiting for the right moment to draw their attention to us, or one of us. Once Lessers start coming out, they get taken out. The more that get taken out, the more that will come out of the building. Once they start coming out in waves, we start killing them. Taking out as many as possible and making sure that we do the job right." I say.

"I don't like that one. I don't like the first either. I mean I don't like having warriors or Brothers inside their recruitment center. I also don't want them to be sitting ducks outside the center. There has to be another way." Wrath says.

"I mean, if only a few of us went, we may be out numbered. We could get hurt or even taken. I figured with our full crew, it would be safer." I say.

"I agree." Vishous tells Wrath. "I agree with Aghony."

I have to admit, I am shocked that he agrees with me. I mean, I thought he hated me. I thought he didn't like me because I went against his orders. I thought he didn't like me because I did something he couldn't do. But I am surprised. I never once thought that any of the Brothers would be on my side.

"Alright. What do you think Rhage?" Wrath asks him.

Rhage just smiles. "I like the idea where I get to fight. I don't think we need to get inside their center, unless one of our kind is in there. But I like the one where all of us are surrounding them and they really are running to their slaughter."

The phone in my pocket rings. I frown. I thought I silenced it before I came in here. I pull it out and silence it. I hate having to ignore Lyric. She texted me. I told her I would be busy for a while but if she needed me, to call or text. I cant read her message now.

"Whats doing?" Wrath asks me.

"I accidently forgot to silence my phone." I tell him.

Its the truth. But I cant help but feel worried. I told her to call or text me if she needed me. What could be wrong? What could she need?

"You are worried." Vishous says.

"I told Lyric to call or text me if she needed me. Only if she needed me. She knows I am working. But she texted me." I tell him. "I wont read the message until we are done here."

"No, you need to read that message now." Wrath growls at me.

How could I possibly forget that he is her father? I pull the phone back out of my pocket and open the text. I frown at the screen.

Lyric: Help!

What does she mean help?

"All it says is help." I say.

"Go figure out what is happening. Keep me informed. Vishous and Rhage, you tail him. In case this is something serious."

I don't wait for them, I just race out of the room. I head straight for her bedroom. Nothing. Its empty. I head for the dining room. Again empty. I go to the library, she isn't there. I head down to the clinic, because I vaguely remember someone telling me that she might start working down there. All I see is Jane and Ehlena. I frown. Where is she?

I close my eyes and try to sense her. But its very weak. I cant figure out where she is. Vishous and Rhage come in as I am about to race to the gym. I don't know where else she could be. But when I enter the gym my heart drops. She isn't there. The gym is empty. Where could she be?

"Where is Beth?" I ask them.

They both frown at each other. "We haven't seen her." Vishous says. "Ill call Wrath. Try calling Lyric."

I pull out my phone and call her phone. I wait impatiently as I listen to the phone ring.

"You have reached Lyric. I can't come to the phone now. Please leave a message and I will get back to you soon." BEEP.

I growl and want to throw my phone. Why didn't she answer? Why cant I find her? What is going on? Where is my mate? Where is she?

"Wrath cant get a hold of Beth. Maybe Fritz knows where they ran off to." Rhage says.

"What about Safe Place? Could they be there with Marissa?" I ask.

We all decide to poof it over to safe place. But it doesn't look promising because all we see are the women and children that live there, with Marissa and a few of her staff. I don't understand why I cant find Lyric.

Marissa turns around and smiles at us, until she sees our faces. She comes forward and pulls us out onto the front porch.

"What is wrong?" She demands.

"Are Beth and Lyric here?" Vishous asks.

"I haven't seen them since I left to come here a few hours ago." Marissa says. "What is going on?"

"Beth and Lyric are missing. Lyric texted Aghony the word help." Rhage says. "Wrath cant get a hold of Beth. Something happened. Do you know what they had planned for tonight?"

When her face falls, I know the answer. She knows what they planned to do tonight. She knows where they were going. I have to take a few deep breaths to keep from loosing my cool. I wait for her to compose herself to tell us where they may have gone.

"They were going to go dress shopping for tomorrow. Beth said she knew just the place. Some dress maker that is Glymera. They were supposed to go and be back by now." Marissa tells us. "I swear I am telling the truth."

"Do you know the name of the dress maker?" Vishous asks.

"Blythe. That's all I know."

"Fucking A. Blythe is a trader. She and her husband hate Wrath. They may have done something to them. Ill call Wrath. Lets go visit this female."

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