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Eyes that mirror my own, look at me. I cant believe that in this unknown clinic, I found someone who just might be my father. His hair is long and black, like mine. Pale green eyes, that I am so familiar with, stand out against the hard lines of his face. I am in shock. Beside him is a thin woman with black hair. She holds onto his arm and at his other side is a golden retriever. The dog looks so friendly.

I find myself watching the man. He doesn't make a move and he doesn't stop looking at me. I cant look away either. I am waiting to hear him speak. I am waiting to hear him say anything to me. To tell me he recognizes me. The woman at his side has said I resemble him. I am waiting to hear it from him.

"The eyes. Its uncanny." The woman beside him says.

The man growls low in his throat and rubs his eyes. I see him squint. This confuses me. Why is he squinting at me? It's almost as if he cant see me.

"What's your name?" The man asks gruffly.

"Lyric." I say gently.

"George forward." He commands.

I frown. The dog leads him forward, toward me. Is he blind? Can he not see? At the end of my bed, the woman guides him around it and he is at my side.

"I wish I could see you for myself." He says softly. "Tell me of your mother. What was her name?"

I take a few deep breaths. Do I want to talk about my mother? Do I want to tell him of her death? That she sent me to look for him? I feel like I should tell him but part of me doesn't want to.

"Her name... Her name was Lilly. She was caring and loving. She gave me everything I could have ever wanted. Except a father. She never talked about my father. The only thing she ever told me was I have his coloring." I say. "Until a week ago, I had no idea where to find him."

"What happened a week ago?" He asks softly.

"She died. She had cancer. Lung cancer. She gave me a note telling me where to look."

Talking about it hurts. The wounds are still fresh. I can still picture her hazel eyes. I can still smell her lavender body lotion. I can still hear her telling me she loves me. It hurts knowing I wont be able to hear those words again. I wont be able to see her again.

"I am so sorry for your loss." The man says. "My... Wife." He points to the woman. "Beth, says you  have my coloring. I want to run a blood test to see if in fact you are my daughter."

He thinks I could be his daughter? Could it be this easy? Am I just being too hopeful? Questions fill my head and I feel my anxiety rising. My chest gets tight and it gets harder and harder to breathe. I need to put my head between my knees until it passes but my ribs protest when I try to move into position.

I feel a warm hand land on my arm and feel myself calming slowly. It's almost as if whoever is touching me knows how to stop an anxiety attack before it gets full blown. I keep my eyes closed until I feel normal again. When I open them, I see the man, my possible father, looking across from me. I look over and see Aghony standing there. His hand on my arm. He is looking at the man. Some part of me feels like this is something major.

"Are you alright, dear?" I hear the female ask.

I look to her and nod. "I have severe anxiety. Sometimes I cant handle the overwhelming feelings or thoughts."

"I know this is a lot. I apologize if we have caused any of this. He just wanted to visit you." She tells me.

"I feel the connection. My blood is in her." The man says suddenly, dropping to his knees.

I watch as he grabs my hand. I watch as he bows his head and his shoulders shake slightly. The dog seems worried as does Beth.

"Please forgive me for not being there. I didnt know. I didnt know you existed. I never knew. Please forgive me, daughter mine. Please." He says in a broken tone.

Instantly I feel guilty. I never expected this reaction. I was prepared to convince him to do a DNA test. I was fully prepared to do anything but this. Seeing this man, I dont know his name, cry, this makes me feel so bad. I feel terrible. I never wanted this. I never wanted him to feel bad about not being there.

"I... I am so sorry." I say. "As soon as the doctors say I can leave, I will go home."

Part of me doesn't want to leave. Part of me wants to stay here and get to know him. Part of me doesn't want to leave Aghony. I feel so safe with him. He is the first person to help me with an attack, besides my mother. I dont know if I can walk away from that.

His head snaps up. "No. You will stay here with me. Where I can protect you. I dont want to have to worry about you being attacked. With your change coming... I fear what could happen."

I frown. "What change?"

Beth places a hand on his shoulder and smiles. I see pointy teeth. Fang like teeth. I frown even more. Is she trying to say I will become a vampire? Is that even possible.

A sudden memory comes to the forefront of my mind.

"Lyric, you are different. So different. You are just like your father. He was different too. Very different. One day you may be like him. Just know that I will always love you."

"Mama, what do you mean different?"

"He was a vampire, darling girl."

"I thought she lost her mind." I hear myself say out loud.

"Who?" Aghony asks.

"My mother. A few years ago she told me that my father was a vampire. I thought it was her medication talking. I thought she was just loosing her mind." I say. "Vampire? Really?"

"Yes, and your change is coming very quick." Beth says.

I look to the man who says he knows I am his daughter. He is looking at my face. I cant read his expression. It makes me nervous.

"Daughter mine, you are the daughter of the last remaining pure blooded vampire in our race. You are the daughter of the races King. I promise you that you will be well taken care of." He says. "I am Wrath, son of Wrath, King and a member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood." He squeezes my hand. "It would be a great honor if you would allow me to care for you. It would please me to house you within my home. What say you?"

Before I can fully think or comprehend what he just said, I say, "Yes."

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