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Its been two days, since my father asked me to honor him by agreeing to let him house me. I have given him the address to my apartment, the account numbers for all of my bills, including those I incurred by my mother. I have a new cell phone and he has called and told my work that I will no longer be working there. I tried to fight that, but he assured me if I really wanted to work that Jane and Manny could use some help, only after I was cleared to work again.

Its been two days, since I last saw Aghony. I don't know why that bothers me. I last saw him in that room with my father, the day I allowed myself to stay here. The same day I was attacked. If my ribs didn't twinge every time I try to move, I would have gone out in search of him. I would have looked for him. I oddly miss him.

Just thinking about him has my body getting warm. Warmth pools between my legs and arousal courses through my body. I don't know why but it does. Its an odd sensation. I haven't been attracted to someone in a long time. Not since... I don't want to think about it. But with Aghony, just the thought of him makes me want to jump his bones.

On top of the odd arousal, I am always hungry. I could eat everything in my fathers kitchen, which I have yet to see. I don't know why I am so hungry. I don't normally get hungry. I usually have to force myself to eat even one meal a day.

Add to that, I grow tired easily. When I try to take walks to stretch my legs, I usually have to take a nap afterwards. Like just the act of walking is making me tired. It doesn't help that I am not allowed outside during the day. I probably need some sunshine to wake me up. At least that is what usually wakes me up. But my father has forbade me going outside because he doesn't want to risk me turning while outside.

That's another thing. I have yet to be told what this turning thing will be all about. I have been told that I will need to be serviced during the transition. I have been told that it will be a male that will service. One my father agrees to let service me. I secretly hope its Aghony, because then he will be forced to see me instead of avoiding me.

Jane tells me that the change is coming fast and with my injuries they are worried about something going wrong. I hadn't thought of those things. But what if something goes wrong? What if I turn before my injuries have time to heal enough. Jane assures that between her and Manny, they know enough to help me get through it. But my anxiety is still there about it.

Over the last two days, Beth has talked to me. Explained to me that I am my fathers eldest child. I have a brother two years younger than me. I have yet to meet him. She tells me that my father is still upset over not knowing about me for twenty five years. It makes me feel guilty because this has to be putting a lot of pressure on Beth to accept me. To accept the fact that her husband had a child with someone else, even if it was before they were together.


Today, I am on a mission. Today, I plan to find Aghony and see why he hasn't come around. Today I want to find out what this turning thing will be like. Today, I want to see if that instant attraction is still there. I want to find out if Aghony feels it too. I want to get out of this room, even if the pain is killer. I am going stir crazy.

I carefully dress, it tires me out because my ribs scream with each movement. I pull my hair back into a pony tail because it hurts to have my arms up for too long. I look in the mirror above my bathroom sink and smile. My tight black tee shows off my boob real well. My favorite pair of jeans, hug my ass and make me look like I have junk in the trunk. I slide my feet into my black flip flops and leave the room. Moving slowly because I want the pain to be at a minimum.

Something feels off. The more I move, the more my limbs ache. Its almost like I did a really intense workout and my muscles are sore from that. But I didn't work out, all I did yesterday was walk the house. I reach the top of the stairs and a wave of horrible pain strikes me. It drops me to my knees and I feel myself falling. I call out as I bump and tumble down the stairs. Wave after wave of pain hits me. I cant decide if its from my ribs or the fall or what happened before.

I feel myself lifted out of the roll down the stairs. I feel strong arms and a strong chest holding me. Still wave after wave of pain rack my body. I cry out as whoever is holding me starts to walk. I hear voices but I cant make out what they are saying because of the blood rushing through my ears. I close my eyes as nausea starts to join in the party. I will myself not to vomit on whoever is carrying me.

Before long I feel myself laid down on a bed. It is so soft and cool against my now sore skin. It feels like I am being shrink wrapped by my own skin. I hear a hiss and my mouth is gently pried open. I try to turn my head because I don't want to vomit, but I feel something warm pressed against my mouth. Something so delicious hits my tongue and I cant help but moan. It flows over my tongue as I swallow the warm liquid. I feel it flowing down into my stomach. It tastes so good. I keep drinking because I don't want to spare a drop.

As the liquid hits my stomach, the pain gets worse and I feel myself about to vomit. I try to pry my mouth away from whatever is feeding me that deliciousness, but I cant. I groan as I feel tears start to well up in my eyes. I open my eyes as it is finally lifted off my lips. I see those amazing blue eyes staring down at me with concern.

"Help me." I whisper as another wave hits me and I feel myself pass out.

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