Chapter 4: The third dream

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Jin -surprised- opens his eyes wide as RM kissed him that sudden. RM immediately turns his gaze away and turns red. The other members are cheering and are having a blast. "Finally all the NamJin shippers are having a party right now!" JK laughs and claps his hands while he says this. "So guess we officially have a mommy and daddy now!" Jhope added. Suga got up and walks to the kitchen. Jimin tries to calm the others down. "There, there, it's just a silly game... don't embarrass the hyungs that much about it." Suga walks out to the balcony. Jin, too flustered to even notice anything, is just staring at RM. W-what was that? RM gets up exclaiming he needs to go to the toilet. He hurriedly makes his way out of the situation. Did I just kiss Jin? Oh my heavens I just did, didn't I?! He looks at the mirror while washing his hands. His lips were so sweet and soft. when my nose hit his cheek it was so soft. As he turns all red again, he sees the reflection and is a bit taken aback. Seeing himself in that state was a bit shocking.

V just stares mortified at Jin. JK and Jhope keep on teasing Jin by poking his lips and reminding him of NamJin. Suga enters the apartment again and goes off to his room after grumbling a brief excuse about how he was going to turn in first and the party was boring as f*ck. "So, are we going to continue playing with just us or are we going to call it a new year's day too?" Jimin tries to inquire. JK hits Jin on his back "hyung is frozen. I guess no more gaming for tonight. It is no fun if your game is frozen. I think we better finish up here. Baby." He winks at Jimin and Jimin flushes slightly at the reminder of their shared kiss. They all are getting up to get ready for bed, V picks up Jin from the position he hasn't moved from since the kiss. He sighs at this sight and feels in much pain. "Maybe you should get some air..." He puts Jin's arm around his neck and carefully guides Jin out. Once they are out on the balcony, he puts Jin down on a sunbathing chair and goes in to get a blanket. He puts the blanket over Jin and sits next to him also under the blanket. "Hyung, are you feeling better already?" No response from Jin whatsoever. He turns to his side and looks at Jin in the moonlight. God he looks so divine... his neck, face, nose, lips... He shakes his head at the thought of Jin's lips. Let me tempt you... like in Blood Sweat and Tears, let me be your temptation hyung. I want to be yours... Jin starts to move again and color comes back to his face. "W-what did just happen?" V laughs. "Just? This has been already half an hour ago...Hyung you were really out of it, weren't you? Was it that good?" or bad, please say bad. Jin just looks at V and smiles. "I guess I'm kinda okay."It wasn't exactly my first time..."

RM exits the toilet and sees that the party is already over. He looks at the door of Jin and Suga's room and sighs as he touches the door. On the other side of this is my first kiss... my first love... Damn door! He wanted to bang it but it would probably break in tiny pieces since he is God of destruction so he just makes a fist and walks to his own room.

V goes inside for a while to get some water, since Jin is looking pretty off. Jin closes his eyes and softly falls asleep a bit, since he is still a bit drunk. Suga is annoyed that it is quiet and Jin is still not back in their room. What could he be doing right now? Don't tell me he went with RM to his room? Feeling a bit uncomfortable he gets up and starts to walk to the living room. He sees V taking a glass of water and walking towards the window door to the balcony. He follows him quietly.

Jin has drifted off a bit and is softly breathing. V hears the sleep breathing and looks at Jin, putting the glass of water down. This is my chance... He bends forward and closes his eyes. Slowly his lips near Jin's... the moment they touch, he hears Suga "You do know that it's considered rape in some countries to kiss someone while sleeping. So by all means continue on..." He leans nonchalantly against the window frame, arms crossed with his corner of mouth half in a sarcastic smile. V quickly gets back up and looks at Suga in a shock. Then back at Jin, who opened his eyes at Suga's loud voice. "Yoongi? Tae? What is going on?" Suga looks straight cold at V, as if to challenge him further. A should-I-Tell-Him-Or-Not look. V looks terrified at Suga's threatening look and posture and backs off slowly. "I-I brought you a glass water hyung, please drink it before going to sleep. Otherwise you'll feel sorry tomorrow. Goodnight hyungs." He quickly moves away and passes Suga that is half blocking the entrance. Suga grabs V shortly at his shirt and holds his face close to his and says softly between his teeth "Try that again one more time, and even though we are friends and family, I will retaliate." He lets go of V, half throwing him inside the house. As V quickly and embarrassed makes his way to his room, Suga goes to Jin. "You shouldn't fall asleep in the common areas. From now on, only sleep either when you are with me, or in our room." Jin looks at Suga, with a non-comprehending face. "owwwwkayyyy?" He carefully gets up, drinks the water in one shot and goes back in. Suga follows him closely.

They enter their room. "What is that smell?" Jin sniffs in the air. Suga flinches slightly. Jin sniffs around some more, tracing it back to Suga. As he sniffs his hair he pulls back and looks at Suga with horror. "You didn't... Tell me you didn't..." Suga bites his lip and looks away, holding his arm. "Why..." Jin looks at him in disappointment. "I got really stressed and felt like sh*t." "Still, that's no excuse. Didn't I tell you yesterday to leave that behind. Please resist the temptation. You can do this. I believe in you." He grabs Suga's shoulders and shakes them softly but slightly annoyed. Suga looks straight at him. "That's ironic, that it's coming from you..." he huffs and looks away again. "How on earth am I the reason you would smoke?" Suga pushes Jin's hands away and walks to his own bed. "No, I need answers!" Jin grabs Suga's arm hard and pulls him back. He pulls a bit too hard and Suga lands against him, using his hands as a reflex to keep from bumping, and thus holding his hands on Jin's chest. "Don't do this, SeokJin." "Do what? Asking you to explain yourself? I have all rights to do so. I am your roomie and most trusted friend. Also what's with the informal speech?" "Is that all you are? All that you think you are to me?" Suga looks up at Jin and is putting his face out prominently, almost daringly. Jin stutters slightly at this position "W-what else am I then?" Suga sighs and pushes Jin away again. "Nevermind then. Worldwide handsome and stupid..." Jin looks a bit dumbfounded at this reaction. I was lecturing him, how come the roles are reversed all of a sudden??? Jin looks baffled. Suga undresses himself and turns around, showing his pale, muscled body to Jin. He ruffles his shirts up into a ball, he yeets it into the laundry basket with the ease of a pro basketball player, the muscles of his arms tensing up. Jin just stares at this showmanship. His skin is so pale, wow... Never noticed it before. Suga takes off his pants and standing only in his shorts, he looks at Jin. "What are you looking at?" Jin averts his eyes again and gets a bit embarrassed. "Don't tell me, you suddenly got shy? We have seen each other naked before a thousand times... Did something change between us? Did Namjoons kiss impacted you so much?" Even more than my kiss? He gets in the bed and pulls the covers up mumbling a "Whatever..." Jin undresses too and gets into his bed. He is freshly reminded of RM's kiss, he can't seem to catch sleep, but he does eventually fall asleep.He is back in the sofa. "Goddamnit, I'm so sick and tired of this same dream sh*t happening all the time. I would get afraid to fall asleep ffs." He gets up, not even checking the Lily and opens the door. He is standing in an alley street somewhere in a dark place in Seoul. There is graffiti on the walls, rubbish in the streets, and it smells like pee. "Goddamnit where the F am I? This feels too real to be a dream..." He walks on, and sees a bunch of guys running away. They are dressed in black and disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Jin looks at the direction they came from and walks. I got a bad feeling... He sees shoes behind some trashcans. His stomach grows cold again. As he nears, he sees RM sitting up against a wall, stabbed multiple times over his whole body, bleeding.

His clothes all shabby and dirty, looking overall poor

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His clothes all shabby and dirty, looking overall poor. Jin calls out for help. Maybe he is still alive? He kneels next to RM and holds him. He checks for a pulse. He can't find it. RM isn't breathing and his lips are dripping with blood. "No no no... why is this happening?" He feels a warmth again and it all darkens out. He is back in the room, and the 3rd petal fell off the lily. This lily, why is it here? why does it keep losing petals?

Jin is sweating, tossing and turning in his sleep again. Suga, half expecting it and used to it gets up and crawls in bed with Jin, hugging him and kissing the sides of Jin's head. "My love, why are you plagued with these dreams?" Suga feels so bad for Jin. "I wish I could do something for you. Ease your pain. I would die for you, kill for you." He pulls Jin's naked back to his naked chest and lets their bodies touch. He holds Jin really close like this and falls asleep with ease, holding onto his roommate as a lover.

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