Chapter 16: No more dream

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Jin carefully nears the Suga look-alike. "Yoongi?" The Suga look-alike looks up and is weary with his hand on a sword. "Please, don't be scared, I won't call anyone. Who are you?" The man puts his bread away and takes his hand off his sword. Jin is sitting down to show he has no intend on fighting. Not that he could. He notices how the guy is having a dirty outfit, and his chest is almost completely exposed and so muscular. Damnit Yoongi, you beast. You could be like this if the stylists let you do... Jin shakes his head to ignore the thought. I don't want to be unfaithful to my love. Even if he is this man, but in a different life, I don't care, I won't. I must resist temptation. The man speaks. "I am Min Yoon Gi, and how did you know my name?" He looks suspicious again. Jin sighs. "You looked like one." How the hell am I supposed to tell the truth? Yoongi thinks for 2 seconds and shrugs shoulders. "Good enough for me. I will be going now." "Wait!" Don't go... Please... Yoongi looks surprised. "Why would I stay? You would get in trouble. I don't want to cause trouble. I was just hungry." Think Jin, think. "I need a serf." a what now? Jin for real... is this the best you could think of? Yoongi looks relax. "A serf, so you want to buy my life to save your own?" He smiles and Jin almost dies. That is Yoongi's smile! "How much is my life worth exactly?" "eh... eh..." What now Jin? "If you become my serf, I will always feed you and give you a roof above your head. You will also find a friend in me." Yoongi laughs and comes closer to Jin, Jin is almost tempted. "So a pretty boy like you wants to have a rough guy like me? To protect that weak body?" Oh God please this is so testing me... I love my Yoongi. I love my Yoongi. If I go back this Jin is going to be stuck with this Yoongi, and if I ruin things for this Jin, things are going to get awkward real soon. Also this Jin is going to marry a girl. I can't have him be gay. Jin tries to calm himself down. Yoongi isn't having any of that. This man is so... I don't know why but he intrigues me. The way he talks, the way he looks at me. He is different than all the other people here. Special... I am curious. I will stay at his side to get to know him better. "Well then, consider your life save. I will become your serf. My body and life will be yours." Jin softly swallows. That is the most romantic thing I ever heard. God, I want to kiss him as a reward for saying something that romantic. Hold back! He looks away and Yoongi smirks. He is adorable...this weak looking guy. "So, do you expect me to never leave your side?" Yoongi starts to casually look around the room. "Eh, I guess... I will become the son in law of a king, so I need all the protection I can get. Many will be after my life. It won't be easy." Yoongi nods. "Well, life hasn't been exactly easy for me too, these past few years. My whole life to be honest. So it won't make that much difference. I am worth nothing. If I die the dogs in the street will just have a feast on my bones." Woah that's pretty dark... poor this Yoongi... "Well, don't worry. I shall make a contract and pay you well for your services!" Jin promises. I am not sure about when this Jin will be back and running this life but the least I can do is help this Yoongi a little in the meantime. Jin smiles friendly and Yoongi just looks up and down to Jin before just crashing on the futon. "Guess I am in your care now." He puts his arm over his eyes. Just like looking at my yoongi! Jin gets melancholic and a bit sad. "I miss you, yoongi." He softly murmurs. Weird guy... Yoongi heard what Jin said and half smiles. He misses me? He just knows me for like ...a breath. He is so adorable weird. Wait, why am I thinking like that? His smile disappears quickly as he tries to contain his thoughts about Jin. Jin just takes another futon and softly rolls it out next to Yoongi in that small room.

The next morning they get up. Yoongi goes out for a wash in the river. Jin on the other hand has no idea about life in the old times and just sits in his clothes he wore yesterday and slept in. Yoongi comes back, just wearing his loincloth and Jin stares at his body. It is full of scars, old ones and new. It looks so toned. Jin quickly lowers his eyes to not make it obvious. Yoongi notices and is freaked out. Why did he stare at my body like that? Almost like he wanted it. Why is he still in his old clothes? "Hey, master, why aren't you changed and dressed?" "Why would I?" "You really have no idea? By the Gods I swear you are as stupid as a cow." "Ya! I am still your master!" Jin gets fake angry. Yoongi smirks Gods he is so cute... "This is a school. You have lessons, classes,... you should be proper as a man of your stand should be." Jin can hear the sneer again in his words. I have no clue how these clothes work tho.... He grabs his sleeve and looks at it. "Don't tell me... you have never dressed yourself? How old are you?" Yoongi is shocked. He is like a big baby! Yoongi rummages the closet and gets out fresh clothes. " You don't have time to wash up since they already sounded the morning gong but-" and he comes closer to Jin to sniff "You don't smell like you haven't seen water in a week so I guess you are good." He starts stripping Jin quickly, and he slides his fingers over Jins fair and soft skin. Yoongi is getting a hard time but bites through. He is as beautiful as a statue. As a Ginsaeng. This body has not even seen hardship once."Lucky bastard" He grumbles under his breath. Jin heard it but decided to ignore it. As he is further dressing Jin he keeps swearing softly to try and hide his real thoughts. Eventually both men are dressed and move out. Jin has his hair still up in a knot and Yoongi has his tied in a high ponytail. Funny seeing him with long hair. Jin smirks as they walk to the mesh hall. They sit at a table alone since apparently Jin isn't loved by many since his dad put many other dads in jail to get to his position. Also since Yoongi is too low of upbringing to be close to them. Jin suddenly hears a familiar voice and turns around. Jhope is cheerfully coming in. "Hoseok?" Jhope directly goes to their table. "Hey, mind if I join you guys?" "Sure, if you aren't bothered with us." "Why would I?" He gives a wide Jhope smile. "After all they don't like me either, since my dad teaches here at the university. He is literature teacher so they are all having a hard time." "Excuse me, what was your name?" "I am Jung Ho Seok. And you are prime minister Kim's son, right?" Jin nods, surprised at his knowledge. "That's correct. This is Yoongi, he is my serf." "Osssu." Yoongi greets very briefly before eating again. It has been so long since I had a decent meal. Not much later Hoseok is waving. "Jungkook, over here!" A young boy walks over to their table and sits down. "Your dad came back from Qin (*Old Korean word for China) right? What new gadgets did he bring? You know how I love to play..." Jungkook just throws a weird contraption on the table and Hoseok immediately starts toying with it. Jungkook looks uninterested and starts eating. Jungkook is here too. Guess we were destined to be together after all. He smiles at that thought and notices the beautiful guy being surrounded by many others. Tae? The guy laughs and looks in the direction of Jin. He wears his hair down and long, like a girl almost. He smiles charismatic and winks at Jin. It is clear he is super popular. "Who is that guy?" Jin points towards the group of people. Hoseok glances. "Oh, Kim Tae Hyung. He is from another Kim line than you. A royal one. He is the diva from the school. Skilled in all arts." "Are we friends?" "Not really. He barely speaks with any of us." Jin nods as he thinks. So I guess not everything is the same here... now all that is left is Namjoon. He looks around the mesh hall but sees no one that looks like him. After the breakfast they go to literature class. Jin gets all these chinese symbols in front of him. "What am i supposed to do?" Hoseok is drawing doodles and Jungkook is too far away. Jin looks at Yoongi but he whispers "I can't even read or write my name. Don't look at me..." Surviving here might be harder than I thought. But at least I got my friends with me. I am not alone here anymore. I am feeling a bit more relaxed. They might not exactly be my members, but they are in a way so I am good. Jin smiles as he looks at the squibbles again. I wish I took on traditional chinese in school. Those selective courses have reason apparently. "Is it funny Kim SeokJin?" The teacher has not overseen the scoffing Jin's thoughts made him do. "N-no professor. I am sorry professor." The class is laughing. As that class is over they have lunch and Taehyung decides to visit. "Hello there, dear Cousin." He smiles his box smile. Yoongi instantly gets a repelling feeling. I don't like this guy... Taehyung casually puts his hand on Jin's shoulder. "Oh hey. How are you doing? You want to sit with us?" Jin is just being friendly, trying to get the whole group together. "Oh, shall I?" The others are staring at Jin. Hoseok is looking seriously down at his food. Jungkook is uninterested staring at the ceiling. Yoongi is seconds away from taking up arms. Why are they all so threatened by him? Jin smiles. "Sure. Sit right next to me." The silence continues during the meal. After breakfast everyone goes off to their next class. It is military training. Jin is freaking out. Yoongi notices. He is sticking to Jin closely. As they enter the practice grounds, they see a heavily armed military officer. As they come closer Hoseok whispers "He is the son of a famous general. He himself has lead the kings army to at least 5 victories. He is now assigned to teach us military fighting and tactics." Jin takes a look at the face of this hero. RM is staring right back at him. Namjoon? Is that him? When everyone arrives at the grounds he starts giving instructions but Jin is too distracted to listen. They have to do horseback riding and shooting an arrow at a standing goal. "What? I can't do that. I have never even rode a horse before...." Jin is freaking out. Yoongi is just looking at him. This rich boy... pfff... Jin walks to RM. "Teacher, I am not feeling so well today. Not well enough for a horse." RM looks at him. "How about you practice sparring then? Who is volunteering to take him on?" Some guys were waiting for this moment. They are rowdy and ready. "Can't I practice archery on my own please?" The guys are laughing at Jin's fear. "And that is supposed to become our king?" "He isn't worthy of the princess" RM gets mad at the guys the moment they mention the princess. "THIS IS BETRAYAL TO THE KING AND HIS FAMILY. STOP THIS AT ONCE OR I WILL EXECUTE PEOPLE!!" Everyone is quiet and scared. He nods at Jin, who just looks sad and embarrassed. Namjoon leans forward to him and whispers "Don't worry. I will serve as a general under you if you become king. I can protect the princess more than enough." "Very well, practice archery then over there so you don't bother the class." RM points towards a place on the outside of the practice field as he takes charge of the class again. Yoongi follows Jin closely.

Jin places the arrow and draws the bow. I did this once before on a sports meet. I can do this. How did Jungkook stand? But this bow is not modern. It is made with all natural things. Yoongi is looking at Jin while sitting in the grass. He looks at Jin as the arrow barely flies and just drops out of his bow. He is trying to hold his laughter but loses his smile when hears a small zooming noise. Suddenly he jumps up and draws his sword; cutting an arrow directed at Jin. Jin, didn't notice what happened because of Yoongi's quick reflexes but is nevertheless grateful. Yoongi is looking at from where the arrow came and some of the rowdy guys are laughing. "Sorry we thought we saw a chicken." Yoongi grumbles some swear words. Jin just looks sad. He softly mumbles "This isn't me... I wonder if the old Jin knows how to fight." Just as I expected. Something strange is going on with this guy. He is talking about himself as if he isn't himself... I am getting more and more curious. Yoongi looks deep in thoughts at Jin. He steps up to Jin and is standing behind Jin. He holds Jin's hands and shows him how to draw a bow. Jin is getting flashbacks as to how Yoongi tried to teach him guitar. He instantly feels nostalgic. Yoongi whispers right in Jin's ear "Now, breathe out and let go of the arrow while holding the bow." And he lets go, together with Jin. After practicing a lot, Jin became better at it and actually hitting the target. Happy to be successful he hugs Yoongi. Yoongi just freezes and is awkward. Jin realizes and lets go. After class he goes to RM. "Are you perhaps Kim Nam Joon?" "Of course. I am known all over." He smiles and the dimples appear. "Then how do you know me?" Namjoon looks weird at Jin. "I have seen you at the palace sometimes. We are friends. Remember? But you never chickened out on horseback riding before. If you don't feel like doing it, you must have a good reason." "Good to know I have such a good friend like you." Namjoon looks at Jin. You would not say that if you knew what I would do behind your back. But I won't be able to hold back, I will sin against you... He carefully touches his pocket with a hand embroidered flower handkerchief in.

After the evening meal, they have some free time. The guys all agreed to take a shower together, so they were moving onto the shower rooms. As Jin sees them, he gets nervous. They are all in one room, and it is very prehistoric. All the others undress easily and run to get in first. He slowly undresses, a bit weirded out. Wait, this isn't my body. I haven't even seen my body here. He looks down as he is naked. Not bad... Yoongi is staring at Jins body. It looks so perfect and soft. Why is he staring at his d*ck though? This guy, I swear... so weird... Almost as if he never saw it before. Yoongi laughs at that thought. After the shower, when they all went back to their rooms, Jin is searching for a pajama. "What are you looking for?" Yoongi tries to help him. "Something to sleep in?" "How about your futon?" Jin just looks up and Yoongi is smiling at his joke. God he is so adorable. Jin laughs. "Good one, but I mean night robes." Yoongi tries to look for it too, but kinda doesn't want Jin to get dressed. He is curious to see more of that body. "There are none here." He says as he puts the white sleeping gowns in his luggage down. "Guess you forgot them at your house." Jin looks at Yoongi. "For real? Oh man!" He accidentally slips up and puts an English word in it. "A thousand?" Yoongi asks, not understanding. Jin shakes head. "Nevermind" Yoongi just shrugs and rolls out both futons. He strips too, showing off his body again.

I am going to sleep in my dream. How is this possible? I have never been so long asleep before. What is going on? What is happening with my real body now? Yoongi moans as he lays down his weary body. Will I dream in my dream? Will I wake up in current time? Maybe I will, if I go to sleep now. "Fuck it, I'll sleep like this." He gets up and crawls into the futon. They both lay in the darkness but Jin hears a rustling in the room. As he looks up in the semi-dark he sees something moving inside a corner. Scared witless he crawls to Yoongi. Yoongi, who was almost half asleep, gets surprised by Jin hugging him like that. He feels Jin's almost naked body touch his bare skin. He is a guy. Think other things. He is a guy. For sure. You have seen it yourself. He is 100% male. Yoongi is getting a hard time. "W-why are you holding me?" Jin, slightly with a shiver in his voice. "I hear something in our room, it's in that corner there." Yoongi slowly lifts his head and looks at the direction Jin points at. He does see something move. "It's probably a cat or animal or something. Nothing to worry about." He puts his head back down and sighs. Jin, feeling Yoongi's scars and muscles is also getting a hard time. This is not my Yoongi. This is not my time. This is not my body. This is not my life. Jin decides to trust Yoongi's take on the mysterious movement and starts to move away, but Yoongi holds on to him. Why am I holding on to him? I kinda don't want him to leave. I am curious about you, Seokjin. Jin lifts his head and looks at Yoongi. He swallows slowly, trying to not notice the tension. Yoongi stares at him back. Gods he is so beautiful...Even more like a gingsaeng... I wonder... He turns and gets on top of Jin. He closes his eyes and kisses. He tastes so good... His lips are so soft... I am falling deeper... Jin realizes what is happening and doesn't fight it...

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