Chapter 17: Awake

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Suga looks worried at Jin. It's been a day. The doctors don't know why or what. Don't go... not now I just made you mine... Suga's heart is heavy with sorrow. V has been visiting often but Jin was never alone. He is getting a bit ticked off. Jimin is resting as he and Suga decided to alternate the watch. JK is walking on edge at home too, since he wants to be with Jimin, and Jimin is obviously hiding something from him. RM is trying to organise things so that the fans will never know Jin is in the hospital. As in not to worry them. But all of them are worried.

A week has passed in meantime in the old times. Jin and Yoongi are closer than ever and Taehyung has been joining the group more and more since Jin became more friendly towards him. But every free moment, Jin is trying to learn to control his powers. He practices and practices. He has found a nice river behind the campus and stands in the waterfall often to meditate in finding his inner strength. Yoongi notices how Jin sneaks off occasionally. One night he tries to follow Jin. Jin is standing waist deep in the water, revealing his fair skin in the moonlight as his wet hair falls over his shoulders. Yoongi can't help but stare and be happy that he has that body. Why is he in the water. Why is he meditating? A leaf drops in the water and it wrinkles the water. Suddenly the leaf flies up again and the wrinkles in the water return. Jin is standing in the water with his eyes closed, concentrating. Did he he a he a demon, a monster? I knew something was special about him... Jin exclaims a moan after focussing that much and the leaf falls down again and the wrinkles spread out again. "Failed again..." ...failed? In doing what exactly? Yoongi frowns.

As the week is over Jin's carriage is picking him up and Yoongi joins him walking beside the carriage with the other servants. Jin's father awaits him and laughs. "I got great news! Your far far cousin has decided to come visit." "Eh?" Taehyung gracefully walks towards the duo. "Great to be here uncle. I really like Seokjin. We grew close at school." "Finally you have grown up my son. You should stay close with Taehyung and give him a post if you marry the princess. Which won't be long now." The father laughs and moves along. Yoongi, not liking this one bit, sticks right next to Jin. Taehyung puts an arm around Jin and takes him with him for a walk. "You don't need your serf to follow you around in your own house now, do you?" And he smirks at Yoongi. Jin, not really willing to look weak. "Sure. Yoongi, please follow the servants to my quarters and wait for me there." Yoongi murmurs and swears his discontent but moves away at his masters words.

" Yoongi murmurs and swears his discontent but moves away at his masters words

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Jin walks with Taehyung. "Okay what is your endgame here?" Taehyung's' smile disappears. " What do you mean?" "I am saying you aren't who you used to be. I noticed it immediately that first day when I looked at you. Your eyes, they are different." "What do you mea-" Taehyung kisses him. Jin pushes him off. Taehyung smiles. "Point proven. See? The old Jin would not do this." The old Jin? Was he having an affair with Taehyung? His stomach turns to ice. "I stared long enough into those eyes to know them. Who are you and where is Jin? Don't make me get a shaman." "I have no idea where he is. I am him but reincarnated I think. I accidently got stuck here. And I have no idea how to get back. Please don't do anything radical." Taehyung nods. "So there is a life after this one. Tell me, is same gender relations allowed there? Because if so, I want to be reborn as your lover. This time doesn't do us justice. Having to hide like that. Ridiculous. In some other cultures this is very normal. In Nippon (*Japan in old Korean) it is even an art for men to dress as females." He clicks his tongue between his teeth. Oh god, I am in deep problems. If I leave this Jin will have Yoongi in love with him while being in love with Tae and it is just such a mess!! Jin gets instant depressed. I want to go back to my time. This is a nightmare!! "Oh okay. Well if you excuse me I need some time to think. I am sorry for not being your lover. And yes it will be hard but in the future people will change about that subject and things will get easier." Taehyung, seemingly happy to hear that nods and excuses himself. Taehyung is thinking. I want him for myself! If I get reborn I want to make sure he will be mine. No matter what. Even if it takes me selling my soul I want him. Whatever it will cost, I need him. Taehyung's expression darkens as he swears this to whatever God that wants to hear him. Jin is alone in the garden "I f*cked up good. I need to go back. Soon. Very soon." Yoongi hurries back to Jin's room after listening in. Other Jin, relation with Taehyung, time where same gender love is possible. What bulls*it is that? And when he kissed Jin. Oh, I have never wanted to kill someone that badly... he makes it back before Jin enters. "Welcome home" he smiles and sits invitingly. Jin, out of it, doesn't notice Yoongi's charms while he is still panting slightly and just sits with a sigh. "What are your troubles, my master?" He crawls towards Jin in a very sexy way. He stares at Jin's lips. Let me just wipe that away from you... that kiss. He launches for Jin's lips and kisses but Jin doesn't kiss back. He is just sunken into thought.

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