chapter one

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I was nervous. It was the first day back to school after summer, everyone must of changed once again. I sure have.

I lost weight, a lot. I looked much better. Almost unrecognisable. I finally looked like the pretty girls on Instagram.

I put in so much effort to look like this yet I was still nervous. Nervous to walk in and see people's reactions.

Sighing, I bit my lip harshly as I slowly begin to take my steps towards the school.

I would earn some glances and whispers but all I could focus on was how nerve recking everything felt.

It would be good if my best friend was with me yet she had to go to a different state due to her swimming. She was going to compete in the Olympics one day.

In all honesty, I had no friends except my best friend of course but otherwise I was the school's loner.

It was fine though, I didn't get bullied or anything. Nobody even acknowledged me, it was as if I was a ghost.

Checking the time, I head towards my first class. Hopefully we don't have assigned seats, I hate assigned seats. I either always get put at the very front or with someone very judgemental, sometimes even both.

"Good morning Miss Adams."

I glance up from the door to see Mr. Stevenson greeting me.

'Not a bad start' I thought before bowing my head to him and smiling.

"Sit anywhere, you're quite early so you have a lot of choices." He chuckled as he gestured at the empty rows.

Each table was a two seater meaning you would possibly be beside someone.

I look around to see 1 or 2 students already seated.

The table at the very back on the left hand side was empty, it also had a window to lean and look out of.

Now that was my type of table.

I quickly skip over to the table as I place my stuff down whilst Mr. Stevenson nods and begins to write in his clipboard.

I assume he's writing down where most students are sitting incase we get a cover or something.

That's when he walked in.

The boy that would break my heart into two pieces.

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