chapter eighteen

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Time passed by and I was already home, laying on my bed, flat on my back staring at my ceiling.

After walking Chris to his bus, he gave me a small hug before climbing onto his bus.

Before anyone could notice which some probably did, I ended up running towards my house direction to avoid any conversations and questions.

If only I got picked up with my parents car instead of having to run. It was embarrassing.

School ended maybe 45 minutes ago but to me it felt like hours.

Though immediately I was snapped out my thoughts by the Snapchat notification. Did I keep my ringer on?

It was probably Team Snapchat but I couldn't help and feel curious so I decided to check it.

My heart immediately dropped when I saw who it was from.

I swiftly throw my phone across my bed as I hide my face into my pillow, trying to muffle my screams.

Butterflies were raiding my entire stomach.

A feeling I only felt once from watching a K-Drama which had the most handsome lead actor.

The way he held the female lead, the way he flirted with her, the way he looked at her. Everything that he did gave me butterflies.

If only it was me that...

"What the heck." I smashed my head into my pillow again as I tried to get rid of the non relevant thoughts.

Why is it that out of no where I suddenly think of their romantic interactions, normally it would've never came to my head but after today and seeing his name written across my screen triggered something.

I take a deep breath in as I sit up. "Okay, it's okay." I take in another deep breath, forgetting to let out the other breath I held in. "Calm down. Just go downstairs and get a drink of water!"

I finally let out the air I held in as I gasped for the oxygen to enter my system again.

After regaining my breath, I get off my bed and glance at my phone one last time before squealing and running downstairs.

But of course I was stupid and ended up slipping down my 19 step stairs.

Unfortunately, I realised how nobody was home so I let out the biggest whimper out of control.

My palms were cut and bleeding whilst my right foot felt an unbearable pain.

"Ugh..." I groan as I force myself up and skip to the kitchen to wash the blood away.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I finally made it.

Carefully I turn the tap on and begin washing my cuts.

The small hisses and whimpers came out naturally as the pain in my foot shot up further.

"How do I manage these sort of things." I press my teeth together as I rummage through the cupboards to find some sort of bandage.

Even though it took a long time and a lot of pain, I managed to wrap the bandages around my palms including my foot.

"Mum or dad can't find out." I told myself as I shake my head, skipping towards the stairs.

I bit my lips as I knew what I was about to do is stupid but that wasn't going to stop me.

"I can't believe this." I sighed as I got on my hands and knees to crawl up the steps.

Once I rest my foot, I know it'll be better and it'll heal.

Thankfully before leaving the kitchen I grabbed a packet of frozen peas to put on my foot to stop it from swelling up.

Groaning, I manage to make it to my room and onto my bed where I rested my injured foot over a pillow with the packet of ice over the bandage.

Hopefully none of my parents would come in because I was slowly falling asleep.

Soon enough, it got darker and my eyes began to flutter shut as they felt heavy.

Surprisingly after all that happened, I somehow forgot about the Snapchat but not only that, I completely forgot to get a glass of water for myself.

Whatever, I was too tired to even care.

I shift into a more confortable position as I let myself into sleeps arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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