Chapter 0: The Birth of the Swan Twins

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September 13, 1987.

Charlie Swan watches as his very pregnant wife does some kind of move to help move along her labor. Renee has been talking to Sue Clearwater our of La Push, Washington about home remedies to help push you into labor.

Notbing has helped. Not even sex. Renee even tried spicy food, nothing. Yoga, nothing. Going for walks around the Rez down in Push, still nothing. She is doing lunges now. And sudddnly, water splashes all over the floor and relief floods through Renee's body. Their twin's are about to be born.

Charlie drives them straight to a Forks Community Hospital and Doctor Peter's was the on-Call OB/GYN that day. They quickly get Renee and Charlie back, and get Renee dressed down in a simple hospital gown before checking for dilutions.

When she was finally fully dilated to ten, Renee pushes out her first baby. Isabella Marie Swan. It wasn't even five minutes until Renee pushes out Isabella's fraternal twin, Stormy Marisol Swan.

March, 1988

Renee looks at Charlie with tears in her eyes, the babies in their carrying seats. She just told him she's leaving him, she feels... Trapped, stuck in Forks. She feels as if she cannot stay any longer.

Renee takes the babies and goes to California.

From the years 1996 to 2002, Bella and Stormy would spend a month every summer in Forks with Charlie. Bella befriends Jacob Black and his two sisters, Rebecca and Rachel. And of course, Stormy was forgotten.

Renee has remarried, his name's Phil and he is a little league baseball player and coach. He has found a place in Jacksonville, Renee has told the girls... Well, Bella thst she could stay but Bella couldn't seem her mom unhappy. So she offered that her and Stormy can live with their dad, Charlie, in Forks.

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