Chapter 4 : Picnic Date

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The week went by fast, Evan and Bash were over every day. Charlie actually didn't mind them. He even liked Connie and Rhonda, who came over a couple times with the boys. Connie is over, now. She is helping Stormy get ready for her picnic date.

Stormy is so nervous, but she's happy. She has never been on a date before and was remembered. The brunette had been asked out in Phoenix but the guy forgot all about her, stood her up.

Connie has Stormy dressed in a midnight blue dress that reaches her knees, some black converse boots, a denim jacket, a beanie, and some bangles to cover her scars.

"I'm meeting Emmett at the Cullens' place and he's driving us from there," Stormy says to Connie as they walk out to the brunette's Jeep. "I'm nervous, Con."

"Emmett likes you," Connie says. "Go, be happy. Have a good date with Emmett Cullen. You're skipping school for this."

"Shh!" Stormy shushes her. "My dad's still here! He's a light sleeper."

Connie smiles before shooing the brunette. Connie leaves for school and Stormy drives to the Cullens. She stares at the house in awe, in love with just the outside. Stormy blushes as Emmett comes out with a picnic basket.

"Come on," Emmett says as he motions her over with his hand. "We're going in mine."

Stormy's eyes widen at the site of Emmett's large, off-road Jeep. She smirks before she turns her Jeep off finally and she gets out. Emmett studies her outfit before he jogs over to the other door less side. He takes Stormy's hand when she makes it and he helps her up into the vehicle.

"We're going off-road, Stormy," Emmett comments.

Stormy's eyes light up and she sits up straighter before she stands. Emmett glances up at her before smirking as he drives into an opening in the trees he and Chandler out there. The bumps are wild and Stormy's small body is practically jumping with each bump, but she is smiling. To Emmett, her smile can light up the stormiest days.

Emmett eventually stops at a clearing. There is a red and white checkered blanket already spread, Emmett had Rosalie do this when Connie let him know she was on her way. Connie told Alice via social media, and Alice told Emmett.

There are candles going around the square blanket, and they're lit. Rosalie did this, too. She wanted Emmett's first date with his mate to be absolutely perfect.

"Oh, this is beautiful," Stormy comments as she follows Emmett to the blanket.

Emmett smiles and refrains from saying, you are, too. He and Stormy sit on the blanket, in front of each other, and Emmett places the picnic basket in between them and he opens it. Esme made a macaroni salad, and some finger sandwiches with salami. Emmett said he was going to eat, even though he will have to throw it up and hunt after Stormy leaves.

Emmett grabs a sandwich and so does Stormy. Emmett takes a bite to put on a show and Stormy does, but it's because she's a human and gets hungry. Once finished with the mini sandwich, Stormy grabs the bowl and she removes the lid and Emmett hands her the metal spoon Esme sent.

"Esme sent it," Emmett points out when he sees the confused look on the human's face. "Have at it." Emmett grabs another mini salami sandwich.

Stormy closes her eyes after the first bite of the macaroni salad. Emmett smiles.
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"Are you originally from Forks?" Emmett asks as he lays casually beside Stormy's sitting body, he is propped up with his elbow and is gazing up at the girl.

"I was born here on a September 13, 1987," Stormy says. "On the same day as my sister... But people tend to forget, so I never really celebrated."

"I won't forget," Emmett comments. "Um... where were you before you came back here?"

"Phoenix, Arizona with my mom and her new husband," Stormy replies. "I'm happier here, so I'm glad my sister suggested we move in with our dad."

"I'm glad she did, too," Emmett mumbles shyly befofe they hear a rustling. "Alice..."

The perky girl with the pixie cut comes skipping out of the bushes. "You forgot dessert; Esme sent it."

She hands the bowl of strawberry cake to Stormy, Alice saw her coming in a vision. And honestly, she and the others are relieved that Stormy is a mate and not a blood singer. Who knows how Emmett would react to that...?

"Enjoy!" Alice chirps before she walks away.

"I should have seen that coming," Emmett muses. "Eat up...Those sandwiches did me in."

Stormy smiles before she takes a bite of the cake.
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Emmett leans against the door of Stormy's Jeep as she looks him in his eyes. They spent the day together out in that clearing, with food, dessert, and conversation.

"I have an amazing time, Emmett," Stormy claims.

"Good, good," Emmett replies and he brushes a strand of brown hair behind Stormy's ear. "Drive safe, I'll see you on Monday."

Emmett closes the Jeep doors and he watches as Stormy drives away. When he turns around, he sees Esme and Carlisle smiling on the balcony. Emmett smirks before rushing into the trees for some animal blood to wash the human food taste out of his mouth.
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Stormy lays in bed with a big smile on her face, a smile so big that it hurts. Connie is over, again. She's spending the night. She has already got the details of the date and is almost certain a first kiss is on the way and she's hoping that it's soon.

Stormy is hoping that the kiss comes soon, too, but she is allowing Emmett to move their relationship or whatever this is at his own pace. Stormy doesn't want to trust him, she actually, really likes him and doesn't want to scare him off for rushing into things.

The brunette has honestly never really been the one to rush into anything, she likes taking her time and getting things done right. Relationships shouldn't be jump quick and risk getting hurt, they take time in patience in Stormy's mind. Move slow, but not too slow. Don't jump into anything, especially if you're scared. Let the other one make the first move.

Stormy has never had a relationship before, none, but she's okay with that. Now she is getting close with Emmett Cullen, they've just had their first date and Stormy has a feeling there will be more in the future. She likes him quite a bit.

Stormy rolls over and she faces her sleeping friend and closes her own eyes, allowing dreams of Emmett to flood her sleeping brain.

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