Chapter 7 : Greenhouse Trip

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            It's been a week already and one thing Stormy has noticed is Edward avoiding Bella. Stormy understands him, he practically exposed himself to her and is upset. That's not mentioning the hell Rosalie has put him through every day since.

Bella hasn't bothered to communicate with Stormy, especially since Emmett made his relationship with her younger twin public. Everyone in school knows. Evan and Bash are thrilled that they're finally together. Connie and Rhonda are extatic. Connie knee it was coming, and so did Evan. Sebastian and Rhonda followed their leads.

It's the second of March now, and it's still cold and rainy. So the Cullens are able to attend school and now, they're all sitting outside, waiting to leave for this school trip to a greenhouse. Emmett has Stormy sitting on the hood of her Jeep, he rode with her today.

"So, prom is coming up pretty soon," Emmett says as he wraps his hulk-like arms around Stormy's torso. "I was wanting to know if you would like to go with me."

Stormy smiles and she placed a simple, chaste kiss on his lips. "I would love to. I thought you'd never ask."

Emmett nuzzles his face into Stormy's neck and the brunette sees Mike Newton talking to her sister. Bella looks extremely uncomfortable as she talks in return. Stormy combs her fingers through Emmett's hair as bella sends her a Help Me look.

Stormy jumps down from the Jeep and walks over. "Bella, hey. Ready? The busses are ready now."

Mike flinches, he didn't hear Stormy coming. "Hi, Stormy."

"Hi," Stormy greets before dragging Bella away from Mike. "You're welcome."

"Yeah... thanks," Bella mutters. "I'll see you at home."

Stormy walks back up to Emmett and they get on the Cullens private bus. They do this to keep Jasper fame because he's the newest to the animal diet, Alice had explained this to Stormy.

Stormy sits in the back of the bus with Rosalie while Emmett sits with Rosalie's mate/husband, Chandler. Edward is sitting alone while Alice is sitting with Jasper while watching Bella get onto the more crowded bus.
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Nature... One of God's best creations. Stormy absolutely loves nature and plant life, so the greenhouse trip was like her dream field trip. They never took nature trips like this in Phoenix; if they did, they forgot and left Stormy back at the school.

Jasper feels the content and the blissful emotions radiating off of Stormy and he's in the very back, away from as many humans as he can possibly get. He tells Alice and Emmett how Stormy's feeling, since she is walking with Chandler and Rosalie, Rosalie is walking right behind Chandler and Stormy.

"Nature is one of God's best creations," Stormy remarks as mr. Molina makes some compost tea above them. "Such a calming feel." She touches a flower and it almost seems to perk up. "Such exquisite beauty."

"I can agree," Chandler says and he touches a dead plant, it grows instantly. "I'm an elemental."

"Do the others have... abilities?" Stormy asks in a whisper.

"Alice is clairvoyent, she sees clips of the future," Chandler explains. "Jasper is an empath, he can feel and manipulate emotions. Them there's Edward, he can read minds. Emmett is the strongest in the coven, Esme is the mama bear, Carlisle has the best self restraint when it comes to blood, Rosalie has beauty... Not everyone of us have abilities, but we're blessed if we do."

"Did Alice see me coming?" Stormy asks and Chandler nods with a grin. "Awesome."

Chandler shakes his head in amusement. "You're odd, Stormy Swan, but I like it."

Stormy allows Rosalie and Chandler walk ahead and she allows Bash and Evan catch up to her and she joins them. Connie and Rhonda come up behind them.

"Did Emmett ask you to prom yet?" Bash asks.

"He did before we came here," Stormy replies. "And, of course, I said yes."

"You better have," Bash muses. "I'm excited for you. You guys ever kiss?"

"I told you we did last week," Stormy reminds the ginger. "I kissed him, and he... kissed me back."

"I told you he liked you," Connie muses. "And now look... you're a couple. It's a great world in Forks, Washington now."

"Can I steal my girlfriend for a moment?" Emmett asks casually as he walks up and wraps an arm around Stormy. "I promise to take care of her."

Evan smiles. "I trust that you will...  Come on babe, Connie, and Rhonda."

"I heard you talking to Chandler," Emmett states. "I like how okay you are with everything. The abilities and the secret."

"Does Bella know yet?" Stormy asks.

"No, but Alice says she will soon," Emmett replies. "Edward is supposed to follow Bella and her two girl friends to Port Angeles. They're dress shopping or something. That Jessica girl..."

"Is annoying but she's Bash's gossip friend," Stormy says.

"According to what I heard when I passed Edward, Bella and that Jessica girl, Jessica is going to this prom with Mike Newton," Emmett says. "Your sister turned Mike down."

"I knew she was smart," Stormy admits as they leave the greenhouse. "It's raining... again. I love it."

Emmett wraps an arm around Stormy and pulls her close, and he places a kiss on the top of her head before they head toward the private bus. The couple easily ignore the stares of awe from others and the jealous eye of Bella. Bella's jealous because Stormy got the guy she wanted, and Edward is still being stubborn.
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Bella and Stormy eat some veggie burgers for supper, Charlie got some takeout from the diner back to the station. One of his officer friends died, and he's been working overtime and a half lately.

The sisters eat together now, most nights, unless Charlie is home. Then it'll be a good family meal. Evan and Connie were even over some during the week. Bella said they can keep coming, she's glad Stormy has friends.

After washing the dishes for her sister, Stormy retires to her room for the night.

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